Erasmic creams and soaps

Strangely I came across the Erasmic stick today and bought it and it performed ok, but it broke up when I tried to put it in the holder! I then tried the other end and it did the same again, grrr. Think I prefer the Palmolive stick, at least the end is already on!
The old Erasmic shaving cream in a metal tube is my all time favourite. Even though RAD etc has not got to me, if I spot a tube I get it. The newer plastic stand up tube has chamomile in it and a lot of chemical sounding ingredients.

I'm currently using Erasmic soap, and I have taken the soap out of its dish and placed it in a ramekin pot. It lathers really well and has a fairly neutral scent.

I occassionally use the Wilkinson Sword Classic razor and it shaves mildly yet closely.
I tried an Erasmic stick at the weekend, and it is without doubt the worst shaving product I have tried. Scent - awful. Lather - awful; even with a LOT of product on my face when I took the brush to it all I got was a foamy, runny, airy wetness. I didn't even attempt shaving with it. Even trying to use it as a hand soap was hopeless, it was really gritty. Just because it is cheap doesn't excuse how awful it is; the Palmolive shave stick costs less and blows it away in terms of lather and performance. I bought it on Saturday morning and it was in the bin by Saturday evening.
if you said the same as wilkinson sword you would be mistaken

their bowl is dog shit but their sticks are some of the best around
The bowl has a nice barberhsop smell to it. From memory the stick does smell different. I found the bowl soap to be a reasonable performer but the lather a little bit thin.
I believe there are several types of Erasmic stick.

The old Erasmic shaving cream, before it was reformulated, is a very good performer (not much in the way of scent; a bit metallic-smelling) and there may be still some out there in little independent chemists. Just avoid the boxes with "NEW" or "improved" on them (they tend to be bigger boxes than the older, better ones.

I had the same problem with an erasmic shave stick, lather disappearing before my eyes! Think I had difficulty getting enough soap off the stick onto my face to make a decent lather. No probs with the palmolive stick which IMHO is one of the best value soaps around.
MrK1 said:
I bought the erasmic stick the other day.
After comments here, I think I'll just bin it.

Try it at least. YMMV, as they say.

After reading this thread I have been on a mission to find an original formulation in a metal tube. Today I think I've found one, in a traditional dispensing chemist that happens to stock a decent amount of DE tackle and soaps/creams. I spotted a smaller tube on the top of the Erasmic pile, opened it and checked - it is a metal tube and the packaging does not mention "new improved..." so I'm hopeful. Will report back.

OK, so a few more photos:

First up, the old Jordanian-made formula (top) and new formula (bottom) lather shave creams:

Old = metal tube + red cap; new = plastic tube + black cap

Now the various shave soaps (all UK made):

L-R: Classic tallow based Erasmic stick (with red plastic holder/base); Erasmic Shaving Soap in bowl; Erasmic Supreme Shave Stick in twist up holder.

It's worth noting that the bowl and twist stick have the same non-tallow formulation. Also, the twist-up version is about 50% cheaper than the bowl.
Noticed, also from Ultrawomble's photos, that the new formula, unlike the old one contains palmitic acid. So as an orang-utan and rainforest hugger, I'll be looking out for some of the original stuff to stock-up on.
Nishy said:
We sell the old metal tube red top no problem getting hold of them either....good times

When you say, 'We Sell....', by this, do you mean that if I were to initiate a financial transaction for a couple of tubes, you could, in theory, send them on, to an address of my choosing? Any shop I've tried in Aberdeen only seems to have the new formula stuff now :0(