ER 1912 Gem razor.

1912s are Fantastic Shavers with an Original Stropping Blade..As they were Intended..

... and yet sold until the end of the 1950s, long after "the original stropping blades" were well extinct. In fact, were sold for longer after the demise of the original thick spined blade.

As sold ... as intended. So there!

Damaskeene and other curve cap 1912s, I'd agree - original thick spine stropping blades or it'll be quite harsh. Flat caps, the modern blades are just fine.
Muskets are Still Sold After the Demise of Black Powder..They were Designed for a Stropping Blade..End of Story..

I'd recommend the Damaskeene or any of the round top 1912's.
The Streamline has that same top.
I would like to try one out just to be sure but it should shave well too.
Oh I forgot to mention that I don't like any of the Gem blades.
Put a Feather FHS-10 and wow what a shave IMHO.
The first SE shave I had was with a 1912 I believe was a Deluxe but did not say Damaskeene on it.
I put a Feather FHS-10 blade in it for the best shave I had up till then.
It was a OMG moment that cause me to fall down a rabbit hole.

I can get a very good shave out of all the GEM razors made with the exception of their very last model produced the Contour II which I struggle with as it is 'silly' mild, there are some models that for me personally excel and the three Micromatics are at the top of the tree with the OCMM being IMHO the finest shaving non 'wedge' blade safety razor ever made.
