English Artisan Soaps?

Artisan is a word often banded about. Yes Michelles do produce their wool fat soap in larger Qty's than the micro producers but it is every bit as good, the ingredients are top notch & they have stood the test of time.
Yea Tscheon Fung Sing (great soap by the way) call themself "Artiginale" which in Italian means hand made though in the quantities they make soap it can't be totally hand made. Still if a soap is good Ai will use it hand made or not: prorasso for example has been very good to me in starting out and if it is good enough for Italian barbers, where it is default choice, then it is good enough for me. Mitchells is on my list to try.

The artisan soaps I have are Nanny's Silly Soap, P&B and Wickham. All truly hand made.
artisan can be considered to be derived from the craftsman movement of the early 1900s here in America. The goal of the movement was to make goods, at a higher quality, with higher quality parts, then the mass made companies were doing. And to use higher end methods of manufacturing.
Essentially, the term artisan and artisanal goods have been jiggered and buggered up so much in the last 30 years, that they have no actual meaning what so ever.

However, using the original meaning of the concept, wickhams and osp come awful close. musgo real as well
Gotta go with Wickhams and the Fox man for the best Artisan soap. He has a darn fine product that lasts long, don't use no animal crap (I like animals:use synthetic brush) and has some good too. You should do a group buy and get him to do a special scent for ya: top bloke.

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I love 'em all... P&B Denali got me through a heavy cold not so long ago... Wickhams Russian Leather is an amazing scent and Nanny's is one of my favourites as she's been around for so long. I do remember Sharon really putting in some hard graft at the start to work out the best formulation for soap.

I'm grateful we have some excellent products on our doorstep!
I couldn't aggree more.