
Monday January 26, 2015
Hi, found the forums by chance.

40yo disposable shaving vet here (no one ever tought me how to shave and I must have spent £1.2 million on mach3/Gillette blades by now). Just recently ordered a DE because I thought it would help shaving whilst having a goatee.

If I survive the first shave when I have it I'll chime back in, until then just lurking and reading

Welcome, I'm sure you"ll survive, maybe a few nicks or weepers at first, but persevere and it'll be great. Which DE did you buy?
I've learned loads from the more knowledgable members on the site.

Greenpotterer said:
Welcome, I'm sure you"ll survive, maybe a few nicks or weepers at first, but persevere and it'll be great. Which DE did you buy?
I've learned loads from the more knowledgable members on the site.


This one I got, liked the look of it and it wasn't too expensive:


*shame I cannot post links
AlexNoodles said:
Just recently ordered a DE because I thought it would help shaving whilst having a goatee.

Hi Alex, welcome to TSR.

I've not long started with DE shaving and have a goatee. Or is it a Van Dijk? I'm finding it far better than a cartridge for getting things tidy.

Being clean-shaven on the rest of my face means I can keep the goatee shorter without it blending into a full beard.

As for the razor not being too expensive. Keep that in mind, you're going to become very tempted by a lot of new stuff!
Celtic67 said:
As for the razor not being too expensive. Keep that in mind, you're going to become very tempted by a lot of new stuff!

Ratty said:
Hi there Alex,
Say goodbye to spending all that cash on consumables

And say hello to spending even more on durables!


Yup, this is crystal clear already, haha
Welcome Alex.

My first couple of shaves weren't bloodbaths but they did leave me red & tender. Soon got better though - You'll find the DE very for getting a clean line at the edge of your goatee.