Elderflower Champagne

Bangor, Co. Down
I watched 'Huge Hairy' Whippingboy's River Cottage program last year where he made elderflower champagne and I thought I'd have a go but just didn't get around to it. This year when the elderflowers started to come out it put me in mind of it again so I took myself off into the countryside and filled a carrier bag with elderflowers. Following the recipe on the Channel 4 website I made up a batch a couple of weeks ago. It's now ready for drinking so last night I chilled a bottle and opened it. Turned out to be really good stuff, very drinkable indeed, and super-fizzy. I've no idea what the original gravity was so I can't work out the the alcohol content but it seems very light, based purely on taste. The hydrometer was sitting at about 1.05 in the final product. Any home brewers on the forum who could give any tips on how to give it a bit more of a kick for next year?
You could try adding some apple juice, that should bump up the ABV of the final drink.

Personally if you like it I'd keep it as it is, I'd be tempted to find something you can mix it with like the right wine for a spritzer or similar.
I like the vodka idea, Tony. It's actually very nice as it stands though. People have said it's a great mixer for gin, which I hate, for some reason it makes me think of old grannies
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