EJ Ladies Razor Request



Wee wifey is well impressed with the savings on DE razor blades over cartridges and was asking if you can get new ladies DE razors. I explained that you can get vintage ones but she doesn't really appreciate vintage stuff (old & tatty is more her take on things :icon_rolleyes: ) but not a new lady specific style DE razor. This prompted me to send a request to Edwin Jagger. Below is a copy of my email and their excellent response:

Dear Graeme,

Your email (below) was passed to us by a colleague at Edwin Jagger Ltd.

We'd love to help you purchase a razor for your wife.

If she would like one similar to your DE89, then the following Barley version, and gold versions may be of interest:





We have a range of ladies razors available, which are available with Mach 3 blade system in a range of pastel shades.

I have asked a colleague in Edwin Jagger production whether these could be converted to a safety razor, and the LAD2 range can (we would have one made for you).

The cost of the razor would be the same as the Mach 3 version. The link below shows the LAD2 range.


We hope the above information is of interest.

Best wishes,

Charlotte White

Tel: +44 114 2700322



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From: Graeme Fraser [mailto:gairdner31@gmail.com]
Sent: 24 August 2012 12:18
To: Mark Lamming
Subject: Ladies Razors?

Dear All @Edwin Jagger,

Would you please, please, please make a range of DE89's with more feminine coloured handles as an alternative to the current ivory, ebony & chrome. You know, some nice pastel colours like pink, lilac, pale green or soft lemon. That way I could buy one for my wife to STOP HER FROM STEALING MY LOVELY LINED CHROME DE89. I can just about cope with her regular misappropriation of my EJ super badger brush but naffing my prized razor is not on! I have offered to buy her one but no, she says unless she can get a proper girly one then she will just keep using mine. Arghhh! And yes, she has considered the limited edition red handled '89 but has crossed it out as it would 'clash' with HER bathroom. So for the preservation of my sanity (and my facial skin), please, please consider my humble and potentially marriage saving request.

Yours forlornly,

Graeme M. Fraser
Friends Against Razor Theft (FART)

Obviously I had a bit of fun with my original email but I reckon their response was pretty darn good especially considering they are willing to make a one off razor from the LAD2 ladies range with the DE head rather than the standard Mach3 and for no price increase. Its still not that cheap but there are plenty more expensive razors out there and this would be a proper 'girly' model. I am sure they would extend this offer to anyone who wanted such a razor for their very own SWMBO.

As for my dear long-haired Sergeant Major, she has settled on an octagonal-handled Ivory DE87 to match the EJ super badger brush I bought for MYSELF from Rocket Man. She loves the scent of the TOBS rose shave cream that postie delivered this morning too.

Cheers all.
What a nice reply... you just get a warm feeling from some companies when they can be bothered to talk to their customers, whether existing or potential. I very much think it predisposes you to use them again, customer service is such an important skill. I liked Edwin Jagger as a company anyway, but I like them a bit more now.
It's a shame that some "top end" companies still haven't learned this skill.

I was going to suggest an ivory handled 87, then I see she chose one anyway! They're pretty neutral looking, in a way. Handsome though.
How very pleasant to get such a nice reply from a human being, rather than just being ignored or receiving an automated response. It's also impressive that the company is prepared to customise a standard model on request.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
That's what you call customer service!
My other half has been taking more interest in my shaving kit after feeling how close a shave I am getting, she has already been eyeing up a wee gillette I bought from in here last week as it is "cute"! I shall be contacting the above for a present for her shortly, and that is what top clas customer service gets you, more customers.

I wish I had the money to buy a hat full of stuff from them such is the welling of good karma at their response.

Damn fine people!
That's a fantastic response and the sort of customer service too often sadly lacking these days. It's surprised me how many 'significant others' purloin our shaving kit, my wife having 'acquired' my Tech recently and stated it to be far superior to her disposables, even using Derby blades!
It's certainly a thought for a Christmas gift for the ladies!