Edwin Jagger tester pot arrived! + oil question

After getting a really bad burning sensation from The Real Shaving Co Cream I decided to get this test pot.

I opted for the Aelo Vera Edwin Jagger cream. Feels lovely on my face and really creamy and slick!

I was curious of how many of you use oil on you face first, then the cream?
I have found that a little oil (and I mean a little oil) can be useful.

However, I tend not to use it much now because the lather I make provides more than sufficient protection.

Maybe once I get used to mixing the cream better I might not need it either.

I just noticed they (EJ) do a pre shave balm, at first it seems more like a moisturizer, but it has left a slight slippy feeling to my face, is this something I could also use?
I use an oil, namely Truefitt and Hill's ultimate comfort pre shave, it has a wonderful lemon and bergamot smell... do I need to use it? Not really, but I find it pleasant. It's a good shortcut in the morning and you're running late, it softens the beard quite quickly.
I apply a lavender shaving cream over the top, either T+H or Taylors.
I don't think many shavers here use an oil... as I say, with a good lather it's not really necessary, just an optional extra.

Edwin Jagger's creams are very good, they're the same as Muhle's products, just repackaged.
I don't use oil... for two reasons:

1. The oil is hydrophobic - if I put it on my face I can't let the soap do it's thing on the oils already on my face and do it's thing to hydrate the whiskers. Oil naturally will act to make the lather unstable and thus reduce the lather - as a natural consequence of the chemistry of how soap works.

2. I hate the film of shite it leaves behind on the razor, the brush, the sink... all more stuff to clean after the event.
I think if you don't go overboard with it then the hydrophobic side isn't so bad.. I only use a couple of drops. Once I was a bit heavy handed (a splash rather than a few drops) and it did kill the lather.

The cleaning side is very true, the stubble in the sink clings on to the sides more when you use an oil. It is a slight pain. I usually rub a quick squirt of shower gel around the sink to clean it all off, then rinse, but it's something that I understand others wanting to avoid.
Just a small amount of Trumper's skin food before and after the shave. I can shave fine without it, however it does feel a tad more hydrated & the feeling of wasteful luxury it affords me is well worth it. Like so much in shaving for me, it's as much about really enjoying the experience as cutting costs (but hopefully not the old physiog) to the bone.

JohnnyO. /