Edwin Jagger / Muhle alternative handles.


I have been wetshaving for just over a month, using a Merkur 38c, T&H ultra comfort creme, and EJ best badger brush.

At the start of the week I recived my Muhle r89 and I think its going to be my new go to razor.

The only problem I have with it, especially after using te 38c is the feel and weight of the standard handle. I like the weight and better grip of the Merkur. The Muhle hasnt cause a problem, its just not as confidence inspiring.

I have seen the EJ razors with various handles, does anyone know if they are available seperatley, and where from?

Ideally,Im looking for a handle like the 38c!

Thanks for any ideas.
Do you remember swapping bikes with mates as a kid? Felt weird didn't it?

Ride it for a few hours and then it didn't feel strange at all.

After using your new razor solidly for a week or two your muscle memory kicks in and you will become accustomed to using it.
I can say with my hand on my heart that I have never once ridden my mates chopper. :shock:

But I see what you mean. :lol:
Boozer said:
I can say with my hand on my heart that I have never once ridden my mates chopper. :shock:

Well according to Antdad if you had done you'd have got used to it in a matter of hours. :?

This is a very broad-minded forum so best be on your worst behaviour!
Hi Boozer

I like the heavy 38c.

I started using the new Jagger/Muhle head in a lightweight handle. I now have the 115g Chatsworth and haven't stopped using it as my DE since it arrived a few weeks ago. Not aware of people who just sell handles for the head.
Thanks for all your replys.

I have had a look at the chatsworth ones, they do seem very nice and substantial. They also seem quite smooth, do youfind they slip much in use?

With sausage fingers like mine I would feel safer with a bit on knurling.
A while back, I wondered if handles could be bought individually. Didn't find anyone in the UK (though no doubt there is), but did find these two vendors:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://ikonrazors.com/shopping/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3&zenid=45tebgmi0li033vv0ceo6pqt11" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://ikonrazors.com/shopping/index.ph ... 0ceo6pqt11</a><!-- m -->

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://sites.google.com/site/bobsrazorworks/about-us-1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://sites.google.com/site/bobsrazorworks/about-us-1</a><!-- m -->

(Those IKONS look tempting.)
Function over form - but a bit cheaper



Sorry, I'm slipping, just noticed this. On the other hand, I haven't noticed the Chatsworth slipping - it's not that heavy!
Check out the handles made by Cooncatbob in the SMF vendor's forum. His Bull Mastiff Deluxe can be threaded for Merkur heads. I have one on my Merkur 1904 head and it is a piece of art. I used the 1904 head as the handle is also nickle plated. The threading is the same for the EJ/Muhle head as the Merkur.
The finish on the EJ is smooth but is not slippy, I find my finger rests on the knurling at the end naturally and this gives a feeling of more control. There is no doubt the knurled handles give better grip but as Fido said this razor is not heavy enough to need it.