Dutch DE shaver reporting!

The Netherlands
Fresh DE shaver from the Netherlands reporting!

My history:
When I was 16 my parents gave me a Philishave, which did a proper job at that age. A few years later I had to shave more often than once or twice a week and the Philishave drove me nuts, irritation all over the place. Enter wet-shaving. Gillette Sensor first, later Mach 3, with or without turbo. I ignored the Fusion because the Mach 3 already clogged with regular use.

Some time ago I was tired of all the Gillette blades, when a friend told me he had bought a straight razor. Apparently that really made me think about alternatives to cartridges, especially since my dad never switched to cartridges and always sticked to DE shaving using his Gillette Super Speed. As a child I always found that very interesting. And scary at the same time...

Anyway, since about a month I'm using a '63 Gillette slim adjustable and sometimes a Super Speed. For now I keep the slim at lower settings and shave WTG and XTG. The first couple of times my neck was full of red spots / razor burn, but that seems to be a thing of the past, I hope ;-). Although I have bought a blade sampler pack, I currently only use derby blades. I will check out the other blades soon.

The shaving brush that I use is about 15 years old, don't have a clue what brand it is, as the letters have long since faded. I suppose it is a boar brush. Shaving soap is Vergulde Hand (dutch brand), but I think I'm going to try proraso soon.

In the meantime I bought a user grade Fatboy and I have used it yesterday. It gave me my first completely irritation free shave! It could be that my technique improved or that it's the different handling of this model, I don't know.