Durham Duplex Typology

Ever Ready hair trimmer blades are probably the best available. I used these around ten years ago, they were a better experience than pathology blades.

I just came across this razor while looking through some old tools that were in my grandfather’s house. It has a made in USA stamp and the other side has a patent date of May 28 1907. Based on what I’ve read on this thread I’m thinking this is a 1907 to 1912 razor. Please correct me if I’m wrong. The bigger question I have is mine does not have a comb on it. Does that mean I’m missing something? I don’t feel like I am because the pieces as they are now fit nice and snug. Thank you in advance for any information.

All the tiny little details that you don't see brought into consideration, I'd say it was the 1907 patent Domino model that would have come in a red leather case (see 1st few posts). The earliest I've seen that model advertised was 1927.

I believe it would have been this set:

You are indeed missing a comb (and a safe blade). What you have there is the stropper attachment which puts the blade at the correct angle for drawing up and down some stropping leather. You can (at a push) shave with the stropper attachment, but you would need to be already a proficient straight-edge shaver. It's not advised.
Thank you for the quick response and the information. I failed on my initial post to say the strop part (now that I’ve been educated) does say Durham Duplex. Looks like I need to dig around the boxes I have to see if I have a comb. If not, I will have to find one to make it complete. Definitely won’t be using the blade. Thanks again!!
Very interesting. I have one of the Made in Sheffield models, which I think may be a Domino. It's in a 2-compartment hard black cardboard case, and has had some serious stropping or stoning in its time, as both the razor and the stropping attachment have been very much worn down to the underlying brass of the razor.

I think it was my great-grandfather's, and I recall trying it out when first I got it. Never again!