Dumping The Final Pass

It's an interesting idea. I'm being drawn more and more into the wanting. There's a j. Straight handled one on eBay now. Is there anything I need to ask the seller?
Not really, other than how long he had it and how much use he has given it.

They are very sleek, precise and efficient tools. The only concern really is the part of the blade where you press, slide and open the blade 'compartment' - that needs to be cleaned from time to time as it may collect some dirt from hard water, etc.

Other than that I see no potential issues, however it's good to ask the seller anything if you feel doing so.

First of all, let me just say I understand everyone has their own idea on what kinda shave they're looking for. Seems like a bunch of members are fine with a shave that looks good, but isn't particularly close. For whatever the reasons, many people will just skip the final pass.....I'm figuring that one to be the AGT pass.

Personally, I do 4 passes and a minor touch pass, and the resulting shave is pretty darn smooth. Maybe I'm lucky that way, since there's no unpleasant effects from all those strokes. Mostly though I think it has a lot to do with the razor I use. Yeah, it's a mild razor/sharp blade combo that leaves me with no irritation.

Now I'm not out to change anyone's tonsorial lifestyle here, but I can't help but suggest something that may be helpful if someone's looking for a smoother shave than what they get now with only 1-2 passes. Yep, you probably know what's coming anyway.

Why not for the ATG pass, use a mild DE razor with a very sharp blade. Yeah, it's kind of a pain switching razors, but the shave might be a good bit closer because of that technique.

Maybe something like an adjustable on a mild #3 setting or even a Tech might do the trick. All the heavy lifting woulda already have been done with the previous passes, and the mild set up would be used as a sorta very effective touch up pass. So yeah, I'm thinking some people are using razors that make it tough to do multiple passes with.

Just an idea,

Thanks Prof for this thread. Coincidentally I came to the same conclusion this week. I have found that one good pass with the straight, plus a few touch-ups is absolutely fine. No BBS for me but it's still a damn good shave without any irritation afterwards. It's quicker too meaning that I can now use my straight in the morning as well as at night.
Think you may be right. There tend to be something in our natures that either say fewer times is better. Fewer passes better experience. Or More shaves from one blade, even better. Guess it the higher, faster thing that our cultures is now stressing.
Right/wrong? who knows. I like to rotate through as many different experiences as I can. I usually don't revisit a razor or a blade unless I feel that I screwed something up and want to see if it was operator error of equipment error. Right/wrong? who's to say.
I'm with Mikael on this one: 2 and a half passes every time. First one with the growth, second against, and a bit of monkeying about to nail that awkward bit just under the chin on the right hand side. That's with an open razor; ATG with a DE doesn't seem like a good idea at all to me nowadays.