Drying DE razors after use

When I have finished shaving I rinse the razor under the tap, shake it and then set it down partially opened to air dry. Is this the best way? What do you do?

I don't bother none of it rusts, I just rinse then put it in my shaving mug with my brush on top of the bathroom cabinet where it air dries.

With a straight I do dry it because its carbon steel. I towel dry then turn the bathroom fan on for a few seconds and wave it around under that, then I strop it on a fabric strop a couple of times and store it in a dry draw in the bedroom rather than in the bathroom.
I use a microweave cloth toweling thingie. It gets out the water droplets efficiently, and gets fewer threads caught in the works (TTO). Three-piece razors I remove the blade & take the razor apart, wipe it all down & then daub the blade dry with the micro weave. Then I put it all back together and load the blade; even if I'm done shaving with it. The next blade gets any glue blobs removed with the old blade before I slot the spent blade into the used blade bank.

  • ... but I do have OCD.
      • ... amongst the other health stuff.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
I just give my razors a quick rinse under hot water and then leave it to air dry. I'll give it a scrub with a toothbrush every week or so to clean it up a bit. As mentioned above, if you ever use a straight make sure you completely dry it after every use otherwise it will rust immediately. I learnt that the hard way
I give it a rinse under the hot tap after the shave , give it a shake and leave it on my stand to air dry.
Then it gets a take apart and polish each blade change.
I get up nice and early and go through my usual 20-step prep including hot towels to make sure I'm ready for my 14 pass shave with buffing and touch ups.

Then I rinse the razor, dry it, take it apart, dip in alcohol, spray with WD40, clean the blade, dip it in mineral oil, flip the blade, rotate the blade, put it together again.

Now comes my tried and tested 20-step post shave routine which includes warm and cold-water rinses, alum, more rinsing, witch hazel, aftershave, balm, oil, and a face-mask.

Then I slip into my bed.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i just rinse under hot water and dry with some Kitchen Paper, every week or 10 days it will go in the Ultrasonic (if it is an adjustable gillette i use a toothbrush otherwise the Ultrasonic takes the Paint out of the numbers)

I can see now where I'm going wrong :roll: :roll: