DR Harris Question

I recently bought some Marlborough soap and since used it a few times. It performs well enough. However, after rinsing it leaves my face stripped of oils and very dry. In fact the cleansing properties are like a strong dedicated facial cleanser soap, like Clinique for example. By contrast other tallow soaps I've used* leave my face feeling moisturised, not cleansed.

I would not say this is unpleasent as it is, on occasion, nice to have the skin feel deeply cleansed after a shave. I can always add moisturiser afterwards.

Are all soaps from the London shops more cleansing than moisturising, or is it a feature of DR Harris? I would love to know as this will inform future purchases.

*e.g. Tabac, Palmolive stick.
I use the Harris Almond regularly and cant say i've noticed this problem fella.

But i have noticed it with the Trumpers soap, which is why its sitting at the back of the cupboard.