Doing anything unusual this Christmas?

same as usual,inlaws and sister-in-laws family round as well as me and the mrs..start drinking at 8am and hopefully be fooked by the time the kids start doing me head in..

I expect there is a 'xmas dinner' pizza out there somewhere. In fact I've just used Google to search for one and found this:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... a-topping/</a><!-- m -->

Amazing - what imagination!
Harleyrider said:
Day shift 22nd & 23rd, nights 24th & 25th, day off 26th, back on days 27th & 28th, off 29th, days 30th & 31st, nights 1st & 2nd Jan. Christmas, what Christmas?????????
You're not alone, early morning shifts on the 25th, 26th, 27th for me..

Ah well, I have new years off, since I'll be out of a job by the 27th (3pm)


Big Fat A shifts Christmas and New year with the added bonus of being late finish NY eve and early start NY day.
On the plus side the money will be welcome.
(and it means I can possibly buy an Aristocrat)
Daughter and her chum are with us on Christmas Day and we may be visiting Sister in law on Boxing Day.
Otherwise a quiet time I hope.
regards, beejay
Yes mate, the money does come in handy, pity it only comes in Feb paypacket.
BTW, pm sent.
I'll be doing the very usual turkey etc. etc. whilst we are trying to control 4 very excited grandchildren, and their parents. The only thing that changes is the number of grandchildren.
I did go to NZ for Christmas a few years ago, we were in a posh hotel for the few nights around Christmas, which made a pleasant change from the motel type places we were in most of the rest of the time. Don't think I've ever been offered a choice of pillows in a hotel before - lavender, wheat, feather, hypoallergenic....... But it just didn't feel right to me, sortof felt like Christmas didn't happen. HWMOM on the other hand loved it as he hates Christmas at home.
Still, I'll be glad to be done with gift wrapping bars of soap and gift baskets. A very good friend who is ill at the moment so can't get out has sent my soap to everyone she knows - so my gift wrapped bars will be turning up in South Africa, California, United Arab Emirates and Siberia.
Nanny goes Global! :lol:
I'm driving my parents in law to my Brother in law's for lunch then back again, while my Mrs will be driving herself and our kids. On Boxing day we shall visit my family then we are off for a short break at Butlins on the 27th.
having our normal one christmas day this year, with parents and uncle and aunty oh and my GF , boxing day im round GF Parents and there will be loads of family, including lots and lots of little people so there will be plenty of toy playing and games console fun.

The bonus is that i have three night shifts to do starting tonight, then two day shifts next friday and sat, them off until the 5th of jan !!! yipee !!!!!