Dog Stem Cell Renewal.

Our approximately 8 yr old rescue British Bulldog who came to us last year has got two areas of her spine fused and the ' elbows ' in all 4 legs severely arthritic and inflamed. She was injected yesterday with cultivated stem cells in 3 legs with the 4th cultivation being administered systemically. This is only the 3 rd time the Clinic has used this procedure and I'm wondering if any of you have any experience of the treatment with dogs of your own and the potential time scale of the hoped for benefits.

JohnnyO. o/
Cannot help you with info about the procedure, but I hope it all goes well for her. Did you get her from BDR or a local rescue ? I had my bully Buster for about 12 years and I hope to get a rescue one when I move.
Cannot help you with info about the procedure, but I hope it all goes well for her. Did you get her from BDR or a local rescue ? I had my bully Buster for about 12 years and I hope to get a rescue one when I move.

She came from Bulldog Rescue & Rehoming Stevewith quite a few physical and temprament challenges after being abandoned locked in the porch of a deserted drug users squat. We've had a few rescue English Bull Terriers as well as 2 bulldogs which, because of her particular needs, is why she was rehomed out of her area. Goodluck with a new family member.

JohnnyO. o/
How about in human thumbs? Is there a human procedure equivalent?

Got no knowledge Big Bro B, however I'd have guessed if you have the finance the basic principal is the same. It's costing us the equivalent of your roof fund though, so as you've already spent that on desirable shiny stuff it looks like a choice between selling the razors or keep clicking the thumbs !

JohnnyO. o/
I'd not heard of it either J so I texted a good friend of mine who's a vet and he said it's becoming more common and the prognosis is generally good.

Now you mention it I noticed in an episode of Supervet he used a cell infused gel applied to bone prosthetic interface to encourage bone growth, probably stem cells too.
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Thanks for your trouble Antster. The vet who runs the 2 clinics is a very keen Irishborn horsewoman and I believe she got interested some years ago through the treatment of race and show horses. I've just had a text from the Scottish Bulldog Rescue co ordinator wanting updates, so I'll be able to pass on your friend's general comments.

JohnnyO. o/
Thnks again Antster, at what this is costing ( maybe nearly as much as one months razor purchases by Big Bro B ) " follow the money " is wise counsel indeed !

JohnnyO. o/