Does brush stroking make hair choice unimportant?

The Roe Valley
Hi folks,

As I was preparing for my second pass earlier this evening, as Cpl. Jones said, I was struck by something deadly.

The idea came to me as I was lathering up. I use the usual circular application everywhere except for where my neck hair comes down to my chest, where I paint-brush stroke that bit across cos it's a tidier with straight line and, truth be told, makes a right balls of a mess if I try the usual swirls into my chest hair.

Anyway, when I do this bit, the brush hair varieties appear to make really no difference at all as the tips aren't being used as such - they're being trailed along. So would it follow that the act of an entire shaving area being applied in brush strokes would make the badger hair choice unimportant? What do you think and is there a benefit I've missed?

Brush manufacturers advise that the "proper" way to use a brush is by applying lather with to and fro motions with the tips of the brush. Do it like that and you will not notice much, if any prickliness in the tips of even the most coarse hair. That notices when you use the scrubby circular motions favoured by most face latherers. Gentle painting with any brush using light stokes will make differences in hair grades seem small.
I admit to being a 'swirler' rather than a 'painter' as it helps me assess knots for softness,firmness and scrtchiness etc.
From a shave point of view I also prefer just feels as if the lather is getting applied properly somehow.
regards, beejay

That is what I do, works just fine. And do not notice much difference between boar, horse and synth.
Stopped swirling after switching to Duke II (it's not that easy to swirl with it too). Plus heard it's not too good on the knot. Still, great lather, great shaves - no problems.