do any of you have or use any de blade sharpeners or stroppers?


Deleted member 12673

hey peeps, i'm just wondering do any of you have or use any de blade sharpeners or stroppers?

if so, which one? do you go through many blades at all and how often do you find that you need to sharpen and strop the de blade?

i've got this one dubeledge stropper on ebay which was advertised as built in 1918 which im lead to believe,

i've cleaned it up a bit with a toothbrush and looking at tips on youtube to conditon the leather strops i used my beard balm,

because what the diy homemade leather condtioner tutorials on youtube recommended was beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil or some sort of oil which i already had in my homemade diy beard balm, so at least that worked out lol


Ooh, that looks interesting! Have you actually used it?

I came across this video a while back and I have the serious wants:

You might have to click on the link to watch it properly, the embedded video seems to have the bottom cut off on my iPad.

I suppose in these days of excellent blades being available for pennies each they are just a curio of times gone by, but some proper design and engineering went in to these things, so much so, especially for something like the Kriss Kross, I wonder if they ever actually made financial sense? I can't imagine they were cheap to buy in the first place, compared to blades, so I wonder what the pay back period would have been?
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tbh i just thought it looks kewl and i thought i'd try it out...

i used my beard balm as leather conditioner, cleaned it up with a toothbrush and couldnt really get rid of the rust but i got it for like £8 or something along those lines delivered, i am keeping an eye on ebay for different types

that kriss kross one looks awesome, i would like to get one, just love the look and style of it...

however the kriss kross stropper only does one side of the blade at a time,
theres also another one which was the first one i came across and thats the twinplex which i think looks good and the blade goes completely in so no way of really hurting yourself tbh

heres a link so you can check it out if youre curious mate,
btw they seem to be more readily available in the states on ebay uk compared to the uk

well im actually waiting delivery for a pocket microscope so ill try to take pics of a de blade which has been used before and after stropping, will be interesting to see
Got the twinplex safety razor stropper tried it on my once used Gillette nacet, thee blade looks more shinier to me or maybe it's just me lol here's a few pics, I think this might actually work feel it feel sharp

As you can see on the Gillette nacet blade the stropper seems to leave those brownish marks on the middle of the blade
i have an "allegro" for DE blades ,used it to sharpen some treet black beauty,s a while back, does it work ? yes after a fashion ,however i buy the treets 200 at a time ,so it,s roughly 0.45 p a blade ,get 2/3 shaves per blade .it would refresh the edge ,however it felt rough after been put through the allegro .and for an extra days shaving ..why bother if i used a new blade every day for a week it,s still only 3.5p in blades .even a tight ass yorkshireman like me. can live with that ..
ordered this green glass hone the other day and just got it delivered, quite small but not bad condition considering its age, whether these will work for modern day de blades im not sure i will try them though, i suppose im just enjoying collecting these vintage items tbh...

My understanding is that such devices were made to work with early DE blades from the 1930's (?) which were purely uncoated steel and made of thicker material. So they could have the edge refinished, to some degree, when they had become blunt.

In the war years, there were stories of people getting a few extra shaves by running a blunt blade around the inside of a drinking glass, which did a similar thing to the green glass sharpener that you have.

Modern blades are thinner and have edge coatings which would, i think , be removed by these devices.

So i don't think they are of any relevance or use with modern DE blades.