DIY razor & brush stand

So I came home from work today & noticed they were felling trees at the wildlife centre across the road. Ah the smell of freshly cut wood got me thinking. I asked them if I could have a piece of wood. They took me to the yard where they store seasoned wood & said "help yourself, it's free"

So I chose a piece.

I cut a bit off the end which was damaged, planed the underside to make it flat & sanded the exposed areas. Then drilled a hole for the razor handle. This was what I now had.

Got some bees wax out & waxed it with a cloth, then added more wax with 000 grade wire wool. Did this process a couple of times & was left with this.

I'll drill a hole when my new brush arrives, I'm chuffed to bits. All this cost me nothing other than 90 minutes of my time.

Thanks for looking.