Difference between marlborough soap and cream

Hello guys
I have finished my tube of Dr Harris marlborough cream.Now I have a big dilemma:will I order the cream once again or the soap?
Is there someone who can tell me if there is a different in the scent?
About the soap,I know it's a very good one,I have the Dr Harris almond and I 'm very satisfied about it (even if the scent is strange the first time...)
Thank you.
Thank you for your response.
I asked that question because the Dr Harris almond soap and cream are really different.
So I wil order the soap,the wood bowl are also very nice,more than a simple plastic bowl.
I bought the cream quite recently having been a long time fan of the soap. It was easily identifiable as the Marlborough I knew but it was just significantly weaker. Your sinuses may vary of course.