'Diary' app

Hi gents

I have been using a paper diary for years. I tend to scribble a couple of lines every now and again - depending on what's happenin - into it. I average a few short entries per week. When a new year is approaching, I copy some of this information to the new diary as soon as I get it.

For example, say I began a diet on 1 Nov 2011. Into the new diary I would write:

"1 year since diet began"

or something to that effect, on the 1 Nov 2012 page. This is just one example. Another is, I could have an entry titled 'Trumpers sale started today' and so on..

My tedious question is, is there a diary app that will let me view my entries for the previous year in a very easy way (ideally side by side)?

Basically, a sort of, 'what did I do on this day/week this time last year...
I don't want to manually type in last year's date to see my entries, if you see what I mean.

Does that make any blimmin sense to you? lol



PS. It can be for iPad or Android.

I use a diary program iDailyDiary from Splinterware on the PC and it's also a portable app so can be used from a USB stick. Unfortunately they don't produce a version for iPad or Android.

It won't give you exactly the view you mention (side by side) but I find it's easy to view what I was doing last year as it has a function to jump back/forward year(s) from the date you are viewing.

I purchased the Pro version for $30 as I use this as a project diary for my work and also have a diary for my shaving as my own personal SOTD.

There are two versions, one free and one which you pay for so I suggest taking a look at the free version (install as a portable app) and go from there.

I have no connection with this company other than a happy user of this software for the last couple of years.

Evernote seems to be the most advanced one, check it out. Apart from the text notes you can make sound, image and video ones, speech to text as well (depending on your accent I guess! ).