Diamond Jubilee

Celebrating the Jubilee in the UK is an act of British patriotism done our way with a cup of tea and a slice of cake and if the weathers good a few beers in the pub garden. I will enjoy the long weekend and hope that our children will be able to enjoy this distinctly British event again in the future. I have memory's of the silver jubilee in the 70's didn't understand what it was all about then I did enjoy the carnival and getting dressed up in union jacks and looking at all these things made from crape paper and paper mache all good fun.
I must admit to mixed feelings on this subject - I have nothing but admiration for the queen but despise her husband, for no particular reason. Having just watched the river procession and caught sight of Charles with a chest full of medals, when the nearest he comes to danger is trimming his rose bushes, my thoughts immediately conjured up Ruritania.

Like a previous poster, I think I can probably sum up my feelings that the Queen should try and hold on until Charles is too old and infirm to succeed her.
UKRob said:
Having just watched the river procession and caught sight of Charles with a chest full of medals, when the nearest he comes to danger is trimming his rose bushes, my thoughts immediately conjured up Ruritania.

The Prince of Wales' gongs are not for active military service - so it's not like he's pretending he's something he isn't.

Most will be appointments and decorations from other countries and some will be for being the son of the Queen (Coronation, and three Jubilees will account for four of them for starters).

Queen's Regulations cover the awarding and wearing of medals and even being the next in line to the throne doesn't let you bypass them.

You may well be right but it still does not change my opinion that he will be the worst thing that will happen to the royal family since Charles 1st when he succeeds. I was going to describe him as a self opinionated half wit until I recalled that most of his beliefs have been influenced by other idiots. The Queen must look at her children (with the possible exception of Anne) and wonder what went wrong.
I was going to describe him as a self opinionated half wit until I recalled that most of his beliefs have been influenced by other idiots.

Strong opinion there. Have you met him?
I've met him and worked for him many times over the last 8 years or so, he's not the man you describe... you need to be careful letting the media influence who you think someone is.

He's very much his own man, not remotely influenced by idiots. He in fact recognises idiots very well.
Well, I'll put my opinion in.

It made me very happy to see the thousands of people who turned out to the Thames, and I can't say how happy I thought Her Majesty looked at all the celebrations. I had tears in my eyes.

It made me so proud to be British, and I think we should all remember how lucky we are. This place isn't perfect but if your whining about it then you haven't got enough problems to afford whining.

Has anybody listened to the rest of the news? Heard about people dying..?

Just think how fortunate we are to live in this glorious country.


Jenkins is bang tidy!
antdad said:
The Beeb received a mauling by the Telegraph (not surprising) for its poor coverage, how bad was it?

I thought it lacked presenters with relevant knowledge and experience. I confess I expected more. Very few of the boats were particularly interesting or were able to produce attractive formations. Unfortunately the weather won in the end.

Delighted to say I derived great pleasure from yesterday's celebrations, just by making sure to leave the TV & radio off.
I was around in 1953 for the coronation & have worn her Majesty's uniform, so I'm not overly hostile to the concept of inherited rank & privilege. Just don't think it's that defensible a principle based on the system rather than how the current occupier performs in it.

I do however trust that those who celebrated yesterday had a good & memorable experience; in particular that Fido & family are finding everything as good as they hoped.

Which, I promise, is my very last comment on the Jubilee Celebrations.

JohnnyO. \:angel::angel:
I rather expected more. More boats, more everything. But probably Health an Safety issues again.....A great shame too, that the weather couldn't behave itself, a lot of preparation and effort went into that aspect of the Jubilee.....What a sensation it would have been in Glorious sunshine....The TV coverage was only average for such an event, perhaps they'd seen their own weather forecast and didn't want to get wet!!!

I thought the Queen (Bless her) and the Duke, did exceptionally well to remain standing for such a length of time..they must have been exhausted..and cold.....
I'm a Royalist, I like the Royal family, (well most of 'em).. and would much rather have them, than not...They collectively do a lot of work, and generate a lot of revenue one way or another,that is neither seen, nor appreciated....

Have a Memorable Jubilee Ma'am
Friends here in the States that watch thought that she looked remarkably well and were impressed with her abilities on the boat.