Diamond Jubilee

And if they ever let him become king, you think Chas will do better than them?

The idea is for a non-political, democratically elected Head of State. Both Houses in Parliament full of elected politicians running the country and a dis-established church and an elected Head of State keeping their noses well out of politics. Power to the people, the electorate, you and I instead of being in the hands of an hereditary 'elite'.

Mickey Mouse is good for tourism. We don't need a £mega-millions bunch of Windsors to attract tourists - we have our natural beauty and our wonderful weather!
We do all realise the Queen doesn't have any 'real' power don't we? that all sits with the democratically elected prime minister? and we've done just as well as the Americans in the last few decades as selecting them.

The queen may have the power to dissolve parliament but it would never happen because the people and most likely the military wouldn't stand for it, which makes her and in the future him a figure head and an ambassador for us to the commonwealth and the world.

We are effectively a republic with a monarchy as the figure head and it works.
I've always accepted the case for a republic and a President. It's quite absurd to think that we still have a monarchy in this modern age. But the simple fact is that it's what the clear majority of the people actually want. The British people have decided that they want the "firm" to continue as long as they play the role in the way they do. The moment a King or Queen steps out of line, for whatever reason, that will be the end. Until then, let's enjoy it. I love seeing all the great events - usually done to an exceptionally high standard and to the delight of millions around the world. Roll on summer - all those boats on the Thames. Now that will be special.
Our increasingly successful campaign is to persuade people to the Republican side - to think about and reject what the monarchy really stands for.

When you watch all the boats on the Thames on June 3rd, look out for us waving our Republic banners of protest. We shall be there - hopefully in our thousands - clearly stating that we do not want a monarchy.
Though I've faithfully served in a uniform with a crown on the cap badge I can't find it in me to support any position of privilege which the occupant is born into.
I just plain like the concept of merit being the qualification for a calling, irrespective of faith, colour or gender ; rather than what bed you were born in and who your parents were.
I shall now pull my neck so far in that Vinny (not Joe) shall mistake me for a tortoise if he decides to search me out to reprimand me gently for my insurrectionist views !!!

Johnny0. \:s
What we have here in this country works,it may not be perfect, but then nothing is........If you don't like living here with our imperfect System, go live in your Republic of America or some other Republic...then you'll really come to appreciate the benefits of our version of democracy....

A friend of mine is of the opinion that the Monarchy should continue because they actually hate the job rather than a typical greasy pole climbing politician, even though I'm a natural republican I'm quite sympathetic to that view.

Think how throughly dull it is watching parade after parade and glad handing the proles, betcha there's nothing they like more than getting hammered on ale and gin and watching the races.
I will be raising a glass of lemonade to the Queen when the time comes(work forbids anything stronger). I think any one who has kept up such a busy schedule at the age she is should be respected for that alone regardless of views on Monarchy, Royalism or whatever. I respect the Queen as a person who has worked hard for the country and commonwealth despite seeing erosion of her power and huge changes worldwide in her lifetime. She happened to be born into the job and I think we could have had a lot of worse monarchs. She has taken her 'job' seriously whether we agree with the concepts of Royalty or not.
I've considered, for a while now, that neither the Monarchy or the Government hold any real power. Recent poor behaviour by banks etc seems to attract support from the government rather than the opposite. Big business and financial establishments dictate what goes on.

I suppose my point is that, citizen or subject, we would/we are being shat upon from a great height, so it's a pointless debate anyway.

The Monarchy can stay, as far as I am concerned. It's a great way of relieving American tourists of their cash


Hi bechet!... just having a browse around the recent postings, and your article caught my eye. You couldn't be more wrong you know. Our Monarchy/elected govt. system is admired the whole world over- because it works really,really well. The Royal family as a whole cost us absolutely nothing !! When the principal members of the family travel abroad, their activities help produce orders from foreign business worth millions !! And this is an un-argueable fact. Why oh why would you have us become a republic and become bland, grey-like and much less interesting as a result ? I also think the present state of affairs helps to keep stability in the UK, and that becoming a republic would create yet more politicians to lie to us and rip their employers off left,right and centre,(pun intended). However, I tell you one thing, if Charles & Camilla ever become King & Queen - I too might start lobbying for changing over to a republic! Charles would be best employed spending more time with his plants and flowers, and Camilla mixing more with her fellow horses !! :icon_razz: