Di Canio taking over Sunderland.....

It'll either be a brilliant or catastrophic appointment. I don't think there will be any halfway house!

Now, whether he can keep them up with 7 games to go is another question.
The Mackem Shaver said:
It should make the derby more interesting anyway.

Only a bit of banter marra. If you are going to the game at St James' I am happy to meet you after the match, whatever the score, and buy you a drink. The Newcastle Arms just off Gallowgate....I will wear a sign on my shirt stating Frankieabbott....obviously you need to remove/hide your red and white, but approach me and say the code phrase, 'Shearer is a God'. Drink is then yours...AND some geordie hospitality.

I think that was the pub I was in a couple of years ago after Aston Villa played - I asked a couple of locals if they knew what the origin of Mackem was but no-one new - this seems like an ideal opportunity for someone to enlighten me.

Incidentally, I was there on a stag week-end and had not been to the match, but beforehand about 10 of us - all with Birmingham accents - had been very cordially entertained in a social club right by the ground. I made the point at the time that I could see the reverse happening - so there is a lot of truth as far as I'm concerned about Geordie hospitality. The birds were hardy as well, walking round the bars and pubs with very little on a freezing Saturday night.
It's shipyard banter. The chaps from Wearside would build the ships (make them = mackem), and the geordies would take them (tackem) and fit/finish them. Some people see the term Mackem as an insult to Wearsiders.....however, I like to think of it as warm, historic and friendly reference to them
I was sorry to see On Neill go but his results have been dreadful this season. It's a big ask for Di Canio to keep the team up. The Derby should be interesting...

Thanks for the offer but I haven't had a season ticket for years so there's no chance I could have got a ticket for this match. I went to Northumbria University and watched the Shearer penalty miss match at a friend's in Jesmond after the penalty my mag mate just got up and left without saying a word.

The term mackem comes from the shipyards and was originally a piss take of the way Sunderland folk speak i.e. mack instead of make. It's since been taken on by the people of Sunderland to differentiate themselves from geordies. However many geordies, especially from South Tyneside, support Sunderland.

No worries bonny lad. Aye, that penner miss from Shearer brought us all down to earth. And, thinking about it, no Mackem in the world would utter the phrase 'Shearer is a God'...would have had to change that if you were venturing north for the match and a soirre in The Newcastle Arms.
Look after yersel' marra.
I was hoping Di Canio would take over at Leeds. He would have sparked a fire up their kybers & to say they need that is an understatement.

Good luck to the Geordies & the Mackems for the remainder of the season.

PS I thought you had to be born north of the Tyne to be a Geordie??

Try and tell that to someone from Gateshead. It used to apply more generally across the North East, I'd say it goes from South Tyneside northwards.
We werent good enough over 2 legs against Benfica. Two chances did hit the post over there in the Stadium of Light, (the real one!!) but Benfica showed us how to play two leg competition football. Tomorrow is a big day in the seasons for us and the Mackems. Obviously a win for us will just about ease our relegation worries....but I don't want to see Sunnerland go down.
When I was a lad, my old man said that I could choose whoever I wanted to support...but if I didn't choose Newcastle, then he would disown me! I chose Newcastle anyway and have found out later that he wouldn't disown me....but that he would have killed me if I chose Sunnerland! My lads today show no respect. One supports Arsenal...and the other hates football. Sign of the times I suppose.