Decant Club

Just a bump for this excellent service - newbies, please use it; older members please remember it: Paul at Connaught Shaving does a great job running this and I warmly recommend it to you all.

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(I've got 200ml of Cella Classica coming after getting a sample bottle from the decant club. Can't wait as the smell -- lovely lemony whiff, great for sunny days -- is fresh and clean and lasts all day.)

Top stuff and a cheap and fun way to try lots of products and find what works for you.
well said Ollie

for all you new lads, the de-cant club was one of the reasons (along with the P160 group buy) that got various members here banned from CONUK, well me anyway :lol:

an excellent service from Paul and one i've used more than once in the past :roll:

use it or lose it
There's a big museum too that's got about 2500 years of history in it... Roman glassware amongst other things (it's about 25 years since I was there) - I also seem to remember that they had some photos of the place in 1946 after the RAF European Tour. They trashed the place and like Frankfurt, about the only thing that escaped the bru-ha-ha was the Cathedral.

Cant fault the Decant club, with the addition of the cream samples it has made it into a comprehensive "Try before you buy" service. I have went on to buy a few full size bottles of decants but at the same time I have had a few that were just OK so it saved me wasting money. I really can’t thank Paul enough for providing this unique service for us.


I like Tabac so clearly I have a jaded sense of smell and am not the man to ask, smell wise it is the marmite of the shaving world so I think even if you don’t like it it is worth trying, even just to find out for yourself.

Try a wide variety, Musgo is an interesting one, it has nice moisturising properties, also the Dr Harris Sandalwood is also worth trying.
hando said:
what's you wearing now Stevie?

what's your bag?

we'll try and give you a pointer or two

Thanks Hando. Without wanting to hijack the thread, I'm not really sure what my bag is. Since word got out that I have an interest in grooming products I have become the easiest person in my family to buy gifts for, and by the time I have finished my Christmas prezzies, along comes Fathers' day etc etc. My wife likes Paul Smith and she has just bought me a bottle of that. Before that it was Armani Diamonds, and my Mum got me some Davidoff Hot Water. You get the picture? They are all very nice, but for me the holy grail would be a signature scent that I would wear day in day out, that my kids could remember me by. (and if my family knew what 'my scent' was, birthday's and Christmas would be a doddle!)

A couple of years ago I got some GFT samples. I liked the GFT and the limes. Don't think that I am drawn to the woody scents. Beyond that i haven't got a clue and if I go into Boots and try the testers, after a while they all smell the same.

Think I'll just try a few decants

And if I'm ever in town, will be sure to check out the Cathedral :lol:
I know exactly what you mean, my family love that I am keen on shaving products as it does make it easy. Not to sound ungrateful to their thoughts and gestures the problem is mostly they only have knowledge of and access to high street mainstream stuff, at best perhaps some T&H or Trumpers and suchlike, and you end up with a cabinet full of expensive gifts when you wanted to try that £10 bottle of Speick.

My wife does the local pantomime so she has no time to browse at xmas but is a forward planner. At her request I made a list and I mean a huge list. There was everything from some stuff you could pick up locally, including non shaving items like DVD’s, books etc, to shaving stuff I want to try but you need to know where to find it, I also don’t want her to pump the name into Google and pick the wrong site and pay more then they should so my list of shave stuff included where to get it cheaply and who will give service.

It works for us because I still have no idea what she is going to get and she can help if anyone asks “What can I get for him?”

i've been in that very same boat, a smell that's me, no-one else, just me.

so far i've found

C&E Sienna
T&H Grafton + Trafalger

oh and Blue Stratos :roll: the burd loves that

i got an excellent sampler from GFT
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same one you got probably, posted here for the new lads

and from T&H
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ion=Sample</a><!-- m --> Packs
i think you'd like 1805 and Freshman

from Paul's i'd probably pick some Musgo's and some DRH's, lokk on his main site for the scent descriptions