Deal man

Does fuck all for our economy though, does it? My wife lost her job a few years back - they sent her work to India to be done on the cheap. Nowt against Indians or anyone of Indian extraction either in India or in Britain but if you want me to feel good about it, go piss round another lamppost. Buy British if you can.

More knock off, counterfeit shite comes out of China than anywhere else so I'm with Bob on this one. They even knock off their own stuff - Gillette Super Blue anyone?

And yes, I missed my diazepam this morning 'cos there's fuck all left and it takes 48 hours for a repeat prescription. Least they're free though. Gonna have to root around see if I can find any codeine.....:icon_rolleyes:
That's Capitalism, Graeme! Always chases the cheapest labour. Ship building moved from UK to Japan to Korea to China. Hardly a British seaman afloat nowadays. All days gone by and no point hankering after them, sadly.

I bet most mobility scooters are made in China! A hell of a lot of the trusted brand Japanese electronic goods are. And the consumers are no better than the Capitalists who left UK - we buy the goods that are made in China because - yes, you know it - they are cheaper.

Edit: Your chemist can give you a couple of days worth of drugs in anticipation of the repeat Px arriving. Up to four days, I think my chemist told me. You are looking at forty-eight hours plus the weekend.
My lawnmower (never had a better 'un) is modern and called 'Bosch' but it was made in Britain. My hoover (which has outlasted the last, bloody hopeless Dyson five times over) is called Henry and was made in Britain. My favourite shaving cream? Ah yes Britain again. Best boots I ever did have? Britain again. Same for shoes and knitwear. Capitalism is a terrible scourge but when will the Thatcherites wake up and realise that all it does is empower other nations' industry? On the twelfth of bleedin' never!

Yer no needin' a mobility Scooter anyhoo - just get a dug wi' a harness and I'll fix ye up with a go-kart! Go Rover, go!

Aye I know, this fancy Mapple Ac was made in China but hey ho, nobody's perfect and I'm at the bottom of the pile where that's concerned anyways.
Bechet45, no prejudice buddy.

I have LOTS of stuff from china, infact Bangood and Price Angels are some of the first sites I check when I need something. Don't even mind the wait.

Their clothes are rubbish though.
Re: RE: Deal man

Not sure on the diazepam though, actually I'm sure it should be a no but hey I heard some are handing out Temazepam in Edgware Road, one of our customers gets it from the net, all cats hairs and aspirin if you ask me