DE razor cleaning

HI i have searched but probably used the wrong terms
i have won a ladies Gillette off the Bay and now want to scrubb it up for the wife for Christmas

i have oxy clean i use in my brewing kit and videne antiseptic aswell

can i just use these ?

i was thinking hot water with oxyclean soak for 10minutes then rinse soak in hot water, then videne solution

and polish

BTW i need to do all this without her seeing it

wish me luck
I think the Oxy clean may be too harsh for the plating. I've never tried it.

My treatment:
Put the razor in a mug tall enough to submerge it completely.
Add a few drops of Fairy liquid washing up soap (or equivalent), then fill mug with just-boiled water from the kettle and let it sit until cool enough to handle.
Remove razor and dump liquid (with gunk) down the drain and rinse mug. Work the razor mechanism thoroughly from stop-to-stop (open/close).
Repeat all above as many times as needed until gunk no longer floats to the top.

Spray razor with "Scrubbing Bubbles" foaming bathroom cleaner (CIF also works) and clean with an old soft toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly.
Depending on the gunk buildup, sometimes a stronger cleaner is needed (like Lime-Away) but not typically.

Submerge razor in 70% alcohol (minimum, 90% is better but hard to find) and soak for 10 min. Barbicide (or equivalent) is also acceptable. This is to sterilize the razor.
Shake excess liquid from razor and dry completely.

For TTO razors, put a drop or two of Wahl's clipper oil into the mechanism opening (or in adjustment dial) and work mechanism through several times to distribute oil evenly.
Erik, I assume that isopropanol would ok for sterilising a razor, I have a 5 litre container of it that I bought a long time ago as my local chemists would no longer sell it decanted into smaller bottles.
+1 for what Mr-Smartepants recommends. As an aside I bought one of those mini ultrasonic baths from Aldis some time back and you would'nt believe what rubbish that bad boy removes. It's a massive boon to me as I own over two dozen razors (and counting!!!).
Videne should do it for the disinfectant, but I'd mix it up a bit stronger than the no rinse solution we use for brewing.

Are the Aldo ultrasonic baths all year round, or only now and then? If now and then, is there any usual period for them selling the things?
Aldi seem to have specials in either once a year, or sometimes more frequently. Don't know about the U/S baths but you could probably find the same model elsewhere like eBay or Amazon.
hunnymonster said:
In case anyone needs one - Aldi have their U/S cleaners (and have had since Sunday) -

Thanks for that, went out and got one today. Does quite a good job.
Been looking for things to clean...
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