crib notes


At one time, I usta play a LOT of cribbage online. Got to the point where I could hold my own with most anyone. It is a somewhat sneaky and very subtle game, which suits me fine. I wish it was sneakier, but what the hell.

So it took me many thousands of hands before I got a 29. Yep......three 5's and the J of clubs was my keep, and the 5 of clubs came up.

Now I don't play online anymore, but I still play crib using a program with bots. I have it set to the 'God' level, which means the opponent probably cheats. Yeah, the God bot is very tough to beat.

It's been years since that 29 hand, and last week once again I got to keep three 5's and the J of clubs. Missed the perfect hand when a 4 came up. Still, it was fun seeing those cards in front of me...anticipating the turn card.

Took me a long time to see just how very subtle that game really is. Each peg is often important at the end, even though there's 121 of em.

I don't think I've ever had a hand of 29. I seem to get 19 more often than not
I used to play a lot of crib in the pub, but then a new landlord came along and banned card games I still play occasionally, bit not as often as I.used to, I am probably quite rusty now.

I learned online, mainly to schmooze the women who played cribbage, rather than the game I preferred. Yeah, this site offered half a dozen games, including euchre (shudder). Heh, learning crib worked out ok........even met a few of those ladies.

I find my chances are a little better when I play three way cut throat with those damn smarty bots. Sometimes they screw up what they throw and give me a chance for a run or something.

I'd guess cribbage would be sorta popular in your neck of the woods.
This is a true story although I'm not sure it translates very well, especially into Americanspeak.

When I started work in an engineering factory in the late sixties we played four hand crib every day at lunch time, accompanied by a couple of girls from the wages office who would watch while eating their sandwiches.. it was the swinging sixties remember.

After about six months one of the girls asked 'what does fif'n mean?' - when we all looked blank she explained 'when you put your cards down you say fif'n two, fif'n four...'

A nostalgia trip for me.
My Grandad made a 3 lane crib board so 3 children could play together.
I played for a pub Euchre team from 16 years old until 22 when I left north Devon. Loads of arguments and fights! The best cheats usually won, most teams met before games to sort out the "tactics". My captain was an old lady who looked so quiet and demur, but would slit your throat!! I played in the crib league too - we all learnt at school during "sums".
I was lucky to win the East Manchester league Crib title in the early 90's. I was presented with my trophy by Alex Williams, Man City's old goalie. There aren't enough pubs to keep the leagues going any more.
I used to really enjoy the Christmas pub olympics = Crib, Eucre, shove hapenny, bar billiards, darts and skittles (Alley or table). I used to be quite an athlete!

Cribbage brings back memories of the late sixties , early seventies for me , my Father and a few other wholesale fish merchants sat around a oblong table in a greasyspoon adjacent to North Shields Fish Market after the mornings auction playing cribbage , it was hard going to get them out and back to the factory to do some work ,
My grandmother went on a world cruise and learned to play cribbage, when she got back she taught me to play (I was about 9) and I played for years afterwards! Taught my home / school friends to play......... Can't say I was brilliant at it but I could hold my own against most people I happened across.

I think it is about 25 years since I last played though! I've still got a cribbage board, more recently I used to play dominoes but the group of chaps I used to play with have moved on and at the moment I am not playing any of those sort of games.........:-/
I was bought up in three very tough, hard-drinking pubs in Leicester from the late 70s to early 90's and cards were always being played. I remember when I'd help my grandad bottle up there would be dozens of packs of cards and Cribbage boards and pegs behind the bar.

I never learned to play as the old geezers probably thought it was too difficult for a young 'un to learn. They showed me how to play Rummy instead and my Grandad taught me Spoil Five but 3-Card Brag was the big game in my family and among my mates when we were out.

I've just had a quick look through the Wikipedia page for Cribbage and it looks like a very interesting game to play.
Good place to grow up is Leicester! I used to go to ABC Minors at the Trocadero back when it was more than just a place name.

I learned crib in my early days at sea as a cadet, early 60's - someone would sub me a few pennies to make a fourth but never let me leave with any winnings! Always very friendly as long as it was just us - got viscous if another ship visited or wharfies got involved.

Years later, fairly recently, I joined the league at the bowls club - play crib for a couple of hours before the 11.30 bowls league. A good laugh but they were very 'keen'' and the few women did not like to lose, at all, at all!

Martin - can you recommend a crib bot, please?I didn't know they existed and now I see there are oodles. An effective one, please. Effective = good + cheap.
Bechet45 said:
Good place to grow up is Leicester! I used to go to ABC Minors at the Trocadero back when it was more than just a place name.

The pubs were The Eclipse on Eastgates and The Midland on Saffron Lane.

Also spent some of my teen years in Beaumont Leys.

Character building ... to say the least.

Some good stories from you guys. Rob, maybe those girls thought y'all had a minor form of Tourettes when counting. Lloyd, it sounds like you were quite the competitor in all the heavy lifting bar room sports. You musta been in great shape back then! What, no Liars Dice?

Heh, Paul, did you ever try playing Euchre? I learned that game and just didn't get the attraction. Reminded me a little bit of something called Pitch, also called Setback. Now that is a pretty damn fun game, which was my game of choice at that site. Extremely sneaky and devious, which I like. Believe it or not, it's based on the English game called All Fours, which was popular about 300 years ago.

I know what you guys mean when it comes to some women being a little on the 'aggressive' side. Man, some of em can be ruthless.

Bechet45 said:
Martin - can you recommend a crib bot, please?I didn't know they existed and now I see there are oodles. An effective one, please. Effective = good + cheap.

What's doin Carl,

Sadly, I can't help you there. The program I use is one left over from a card playing site that's long gone now. I wouldn't even know how to try and send you the info to download from my computer, or if it's even possible. This version is only for a Mac......yeah, most members used those machines. Didn't need one for most other games, but for crib you did.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Don't know the pubs - I left when I was twelve. My father lived in Beaumont Leys after he sold his house - moved into a warden assisted flat and then Loros a few years later. Still visit his second wife in B Leys - 91 now. She has great neighbours.

dodgy said:
Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Thanks, anyway, Martin.
Liars dice was played at school a bit. Dice were barred in most pubs I frequented - going back to the days of sail I believe. The town athletics club and rowing club both had bars where games were popular too. Only the football and rugby clubs took drinking as a serious pass-time! Cricket clubs never had their own bars, and different teams would use different pubs traditionally, eg First eleven used The Swan, one of the furthest pubs from the ground. I never found out why, but it was near my Grans, so could collapse there!

Cribbage is a fantastic game it is a good Solitaire, a heavenly 2 player, an ok 3 player and a rather fine 4 player game. If memory serves!
I spent 14 years without a TV in a bachelor pad so card and board games were the staple, whilst consuming oodles of booze of course. We used to play 2 pack Stop the Bus and Gin Rummy if there were 'many' of us - Great days.