Cream in a Scuttle

I've been using EJ Aloe shaving cream and have been very happy with it thus far. What I am doing at the moment is I fill an earthenware cereal bowl with boiling water for 5 minutes before my shave and then tip it out. It remains almost too hot to touch for a while. I mix up the lather in the bowl and it is lovely and warm. Unfortunately it has cooled down by the third pass

Is it possible to lather cream in a scuttle top? I've been considering getting a scuttle like this one:
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I thought a scuttle might stay warmer longer. I know they are intended for use with a soap instead of a cream and am concerned that the cream might just drain away down the drainage holes. The "bowl" also isn't very big.

Good idea / bad idea?
Bad you said this style of scuttle isn't designed for creams anyway, but they are generally rubbish for soaps too as the walls are really too thin and allow heat to escape easily.

Do you soak your brush in HW too?

Just try heating your bowl and brush for longer (10+ mins) and or find something with thicker walls if necessary. If you fancy a proper scuttle these seem to be the ones to go for, a few members here have them. I use a twin walled bowl from Ikea but I don't think they sell them any more.

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Yes, or any one of a selection of double-walled food bowls. Or a large, thick-walled ceramic soup bowl. Or go to your friendly local potter and ask her, or him, to make you a scuttle to a model you can find on the 'net...
Just to add I submerge the bowl and brush completely in a sink full of HW for the duration of a shower and then top it up again whilst I'm loading the brush. I tip out the HW at the very last moment. Boiling water from the kettle might be too hot and compromise your lather.
Hmmm I wonder how much a local potter would charge to rustle me up something like those American scuttles you linked to.
Wook said:
I've been using EJ Aloe shaving cream and have been very happy with it thus far.

Just read this and of course you are after advice about bowls and scuttles, but the first line makes it sound as if you are also unhappy with the EJ cream. I've been using this cream and find it excellent, in fact I'm something of a convert. It makes a beautiful slick lather with a subtle but pleasant scent. I'd be surprised if the cream is part of the problem.

Nope, very happy with the cream. I got a free sample of it from the English shaving co. and went right ahead and bought some. It is a million times better than the generic plastic bowl Boots shaving soap and nylon brush I had been using up to that point (bleurgh! :? )I just like it when it goes on hot and am trying to concoct a way to keep it thus.

Shaving fondue perhaps?
I've started bowl-lathering after many months of face only. Like Antdad I put the bowl and brush in hot water before I shower. I then drain the water at the last minute before I create the lather. Keeping the bowl hot for the second pass has proven tricky. Submerging it a little in some new hot water has led to it tipping up and water filling it up, spoiling the lather. I think tomorrow I'll just leave it by the sink and trust that it retains enough heat to keep the remaining lather warm.

If I new I'd have enough time to allow a slow and relaxed shave on a regular basis I would probably buy a scuttle. I'm usually in too much hurry and don't think I'd get the benefit.

:lol: Now that's an idea!! I have a fondue set. Actually it's not a bad size for creating lather in. Just pop it over the burner to keep the lather warm. You could use the prongs to dip soap in to create a Super Lather! If you drop your soap there is a forfeit - simply swap your blade for a Merkur and continue shaving. I think we're on to something Wookie!!
Mine stays warm, ive got a thick walled cup i shove my brush in.
Im tempted to make the lather then when ive applied to my face put the cup with the brush on the radiator when its hot(not far from me) to stay warm while i shave, then grab it again when i need it.
Should work, im just yet to try it. One of the reasons is because in the morning when i get out the shower the radiators are off, but evening shaves when they are on it might be nice.
How time flies!

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The scuttle gets a run out at weekends. It's a bit of fun really. An indulgence. But isn't that what this lark is? I enjoy using warm lather. But how different is it really? If you face lather and dip your tips in hot water as you go along that feels warm too. Pay your money and make your choice. As always.
I quite like the look of this one.

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As for myself, I am always on the lookout for one of those insulated double-pot dip chiller thingies - I am convinced they would make an excellent scuttle.