Country boots with a suit?

Saturday July 9, 2011
I fancy getting some chukkas or country brogue boots, for days when I need smart but likely to get them dirty or wet. I also need good grip, so want rubber/dainite soles not leather.

Anyone think they could be carried off with a business suit?

I won't bore you with the details, suffice it to say I will go to great lengths to secure business.
Pig Cat said:
Couldn't you keep some smart shoes with you that you can change in to once needed?

Unfortunately in my case that would mean carrying an extra pair of shoes on to the customer's site. My clients already think I have a screw loose

Many of my colleagues just wear cheap shoes, but I like to think looking better than the competition helps get the business.
A good pair of Goodyear welted, Heavy Country Brogues with Commando soles should do the trick.......A Zug grained leather version is pretty durable as well.....A country Gentleman kind of Shoe/Boot......Jacksons in Mirfield, West Yorkshire usually have a nice selection.....They do mail order and have a Web site....though I personally prefer to try shoes on before I buy them..
Herring do some nice options with rubber soles and have a lot of sale items, for instance
Drroly said:
Many of my colleagues just wear cheap shoes, but I like to think looking better than the competition helps get the business.

I'd think "hmmm, this bloke is better dressed than me, drives a better car than me - must be overpaid - so will be overpriced"

First impressions and all that.

Doesn't mean I want suppliers to roll up in a 25 year old Vauxhall Chevette looking like a tramp - but there is as they say "some middle ground"
My own personal opinion, for what it's worth, I love and have owned many handmade British shoes through the years, and if I could own one brand I would choose Crockett & Jones, purely for the quality and style, they have IMO the best selection and varying styles of any handmade shoe maker anywhere, followed by a close second by Grenson, here's a link to some of thier boots, if you dont like anything here, then all i can say there's no help for you.

Regards Jamie.
i love my crockett & jones'

and they certainly do quite a few brogue boots that are more than delicate enough to wear with a suit. Its all in the details and craftsmanship.

In fact I have a pair of C&J black brogue derby's that wear just lovely with a suit

Had a neighbor a number of years ago that told me the same thing. He always drove a 2/3 Yr old plain 4door to see his customers, but rented my spare garage for his Lotus. And used his own for his wife's Cadillac. Didn't want to look too poor so they thought his product couldn't support him, and didn't want to look too well off so they thought his product was over priced!! Guess it worked!
I'd always be hesitant to wear rubber/dainite soled boots with a suit. Maybe get some Wolverine 1000 Miles and topy them?
+1 for Herrings

They stock Church's, Trickers, Loakes, Barkers and have just started selling their own range (I suspect made by Barker but slightly better value). They sometimes have very slight seconds on sale at a hefty discount.

I'm not a fan of rubber soles, except on proper walking boots, wellies and flip-flops :icon_wink: