Cool shaving video

This isn't an A.B.E. thing but funny I should like the german video and dislike the english one.

I think it's cos the german guy comes across like a "shaver" where as there is more of the football hooligan about the english guy.
Saw this a few days back, very impressive !

Not so sure about how manly this guy is ... there isn't so much as a tuft of hair on his torso ... then again if he is shaving his chest and other bits with a straight :shock:
terria said:
Saw this a few days back, very impressive !

Not so sure about how manly this guy is ... there isn't so much as a tuft of hair on his torso ... then again if he is shaving his chest and other bits with a straight :shock:

He's so hard he shaves his own back with it.

That English bloke's going to be a goner from liver failure before he's 60.

I watched my ex mother-in-law go from social drinker to heavy drinker in 12 years, yet she still held down a job. Then suddenly one day she went from perfectly healthy to seriously ill through cirrhosis of the liver. Bang. Just like that. She was dead within a year after that, despite stopping drinking.

Either that or he'll do himself a mischief shaving after one too many Bells & lager sessions!
The internet is a window into the world of the crazies and more extreme individuals we would otherwise never cone into contact with, which is no bad thing in some cases. I have seen most of them before, some better at teaching me something, and some just more entertaining.

The German guys who used one had for his entire face interested, I am left handed and have tried to do my whole face with one hand many times and failed. His technique us quite different to what I have seen before, I wonder though what like the quality of some of the shave are, sure some of them whip round the face and there is no sign of rash but is it like a four hour growth that is not visible to the camera, could I get a better shave with my DE? Who knows but an interesting topic.
Funny that Bells is mentioned as good for cleaning. In the area of Scotland where I grew up (Speyside region whisky fans), we used to say that Glenfiddich was only good for washing windows with. It was often seen as a sub par malt made with the intention of becoming a popular "Scotch" in the states. At that time in the states there were either Bourbon drinkers or those who drank Scotch (blended). So therefore they came up with a bland malt Whisky (no E) that the Americans lapped up.

Is it any surprise that Chivas (Regal and otherwise) comes from the same Distillery.

Glenmorangie (same region) has gone from being a nice mellow malt to being the "go-to" for tourists visiting Scotland, even though it is the top selling malt over the whole world.

I've been to the Glenmorangie Distillery, and it was interesting. Nothing more, nothing less.
