Cool shaving video


Saw the Chimensch's Shaving Video of his 30th anniversary of using a straight razor on another thread. Thought I'd post this one as I haven't seen it on here before.
Its in German but that doesn't matter. This guy REALLY knows how to shave with a straight.

I'm sticking to DE!!!!
This guy is 100% the most manly and hard guy I've ever seen. Cuts his chin and doesn't even care, right in for the 2nd pass and boiling hot soap to start with too.
sjedwardz said:
did you also notice his brush doesn't have a handle its just the knot - In boiling water as well :shock:

I've seen this vid a few times now but still really like it. He is so nonchalant about the whole thing. I didn't notice the boiling water till you pointed it out. I'd wondered why he went "aish!" at the beginning - probably because he had scalding hot lather all over his face!

Like the beard-shaving nutter too on the other vid.
Pig Cat said:
I'd wondered why he went "aish!" at the beginning - probably because he had scalding hot lather all over his face!
I think he is saying "Heiss" - German for hot.
I winced the first time I saw that video - and then sent it to several people who find my shaving habits rather whimsical.
That German bloke convinced me that straight shaving was easy.


He is cooler than a Penguin's bum hole though. Even shaving without a shirt on. Not seen in many of these videos.

I've seen this (top) before. It's still a great clip. How quick does he shave. I can't do that fast, with any method. Electric, cartridge or DE. Please note shavers, I've haven't used my electric for years, before someone sends me to detention for using it.
All these videos of guys shaving insanely fast with open blades gave me the willies. It reminds me of a scene from the French movie which won an Oscar this year, Un Prophete. In it the hero, a nineteen year old inmate is forced into a moral dilemma - plan and carry out a killing of a fellow inmate for a gang or be killed himself. Despite his best efforts to get himself transferred out, he ultimately has to follow through. So, it being prison he offers his soon-to-be victim a sexual favour in order to get into his cell. He manages to store/hide a razor blade in mouth but because the target is a little suspicious and delays, bloods starts to stream from our hero's mouth. So immediately he removes the blade and lunges at his victim who cannot hold him off and slashes him across the jugular. Blood spews everywhere and the camera doesn't pan away as we witness the life, literally, pumping out of him.
For a moment it made me want to go back to the world of Machs - but hey what's life without a little risk - DE at least!
IanM said:
He is cooler than a Penguin's bum hole though. Even shaving without a shirt on. Not seen in many of these videos.


Damn right. The first thing I thought when I saw that video is that guy is a proper "man". Boiling water, In the kitchen, fast as f**k, not a flinch when he cuts himself but at the same time he has a calm and controlled look on his face.

Yep, proper shaving.

He posted a couple of times on SRP after the video had so many comments but don't expect to see him posting any reviews of nancy boy moisturiser.

There's a lot of romantic notions on the forums about how people shaved 100+ years ago.

For most blokes wanting to get rid of their whiskers - I'm guessing it went a lot like that.
I didn't find that video particularly outrageous, it wasn't as if he was being daft about it, just very confident and practised. What did impress me mightily was the sheer amount of beard he disposed of with the first pass, made me think his stubble was better prepped than it would appear on the face of it, so to speak. There was a strong element of showmanship of course, but he was really concentrating - definitely not a nutcase throwing caution to the wind. A deeply impressive performance, definitely.