Connaught Neroli

Wednesday August 8, 2012
Just had first shave today with a sample of Connaught Neroli cream.
First impressions are that it's of very firm consistency, like a soft soap. The smell is a little fusty, like an old time barbers shop, reminds me of a Boots shave stick. Bowl lathered with my best badger and it lathered up quite quickly to a fair amount of creamy goodness. Not as thick as my TOBS or TF creams, but good nevertheless.
After a good prep, I got to work with my Merkur Futur and a Gillette 7 o'clock blade.
First pass brilliant, second pass lather starting to fade. By the time I was ready for the final pass, the lather had gone from the brush and bowl. Don't know what happened, it just seemed to evaporate. I used the same technique as always, same amount of water etc, and the lather appeared fine at first, but seemed to vanish rather quickly.
On the whole, I quite liked the cream and it gave a good shave, but the vanishing trick is a bit perturbing. Maybe I'm missing something, or need to alter my lathering method to suit. Anyone else had problems with it?