Connaught has more Lords for sale than the gov't!

Sheffield, UK
I was surfin' along and noticed Lord Razor Company Cool brand of blades is listed on eBay - one of the brands I haven't tried from the Lord Co's stable of steely sharp-stuffs.

Found out they were one of Connaught's listings, along with Silver Stars, Big Ben (Blues), Lord Extras & Platinum Classes & Super Chromes (and the previously mentioned Cools), both Sharks, an Asco colour (Orange). I did notice that Rainbow blades (one of my fave of the Lord brands) weren't listed, but ... meh ... I know where some of next month's budget is definitely going in a couple of weeks from now.

Normally I have had some of the less commonly available of this less commonly available manufacturer's wares shipped from Miami, New York State, and the Near, Middle & Far Easts.
    • Now I can get a fair selection of them domestically, with free shipping on blades from the Connaught site. [/list:u]
          • Woot![/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
              • ... any Rainbows on the horizon Paul? and/or the other Ascos (Red, and Red & Blues), Lords, Big Ben (Violets), and either or both types of Crowns, perhaps?)
                    • ... & woot, yet once more wooted[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Not in this shipment, there are so many types it's hard to know what's going to be popular. Everything I ordered is now listed.

For me most of the Super Stainless blades shave ok, the Lord Extra is the best stainless & the LORD/Shark Super Chrome's are the best. I do like the razors, although the finish isn't perfect both the classic & tech style heads provide a nice shave.
Paul said:
I do like the razors, although the finish isn't perfect both the classic & tech style heads provide a nice shave.

  • I haven 't tried them yet, but I have been considering them off and on, for months now.
      • The Tech is the L5/L122, but the Premium and the smart are both described as 'classic' head styles, which one are you referring to?
        • Or do you mean both of those provide a nice shave (as well as the tech)?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
I might get one of the Lord sampler packs or as I refer to it, the Egyptian sample pack.

Been running the Shark SS recently and they are one consistant blade.

With a touch of luck none of these will be hitting the "discontinued" list any time soon.
I like both of the heads & the classic is styled like a Merkur Classic (33C) head but is a touch more aggressive. The L5 is also more aggressive than a Gillette tech, which for me is great as I find the Gillette too mild. I prefer the Premium out of the three but the L5 also provides a nice shave.