Closed Complete: Barbaros Rocnel Adjustable Pass Around

The bad news first: This pass around is by invitation only. Sorry.

We'll have a quick pass around of the upcoming Barbaros Rocnel adjustable razor.

Hasan (aka @theunnamed) from ↪Barbaros razors has kindly agreed to give a prototype Barbaros Rocnel adjustable razor for testing. We only have the razor for a very limited time. This pass around has mainly the purpose to give Hasan thorough and fast feedback about the prototype razor while giving the rest of the world an idea what to expect. For that reason the pass around is limited to five people and it is by invitation only. Sorry, but there was no other way to organise this.
Please be aware that this is a prototype. There are some minor issues with the razor that Barbaros and Rocnel are aware of and that will be addressed in the production version. For example, there will a smaller or no logo at all on the top cap.
The pass around will take place across two forums ↪ATG and ↪TSR. I'll make sure readers from either forum will have links or copies of reviews from both forums.
The razor is currently on its way from Turkey to the UK. Expect to see reports about this interesting razor soon from the following people:
  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
  • Rowlers (ATG)
  • Nishy (ATG)
  • Bechet (TSR)
  • Nico1970 (ATG)
The list order is preliminary.
The list is closed.
Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Waiting, Completed
The razor has just landed on my doorstep and is now soaking in some Barbicide.
Less than 24 hours from Turkey to my door. Not bad, TNT.
  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
  • Rowlers (ATG)
  • Nishy (ATG)
  • Bechet (TSR)
  • Nico1970 (ATG)
The list is closed.
Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Waiting, Completed
Day 1 - First impressions

Less than 24 hours after being posted, the Barbaros Rocnel Adjustable has arrived.
I liked the Rocnel-only branded box. A sturdy brown cardboard box with a piece of folded rough cloth on which the razors rests. Nice and understated. Nothing silly like the ridiculous leather box of the OneBlade.
The first thing that I noticed when taking the razor out of its box was the weight. It is a heavy beast. My scales and digital caliper are at hand and here are the vital statistics:
The razor weighs 132.5 grams. That makes it the third heaviest razor I've tried, only beaten by the Stahly Live blade (of course) and the Hone Type 15. The handle is quite short and fat. On it's own it's merely 75mm long, but the head has a protrusion at the bottom, so assembled the handle is about 80mm long. 14.3mm diameter make it quite chunky. No judgement yet, I'm merely recording numbers. I like numbers.
The knurling on the handle is nice. This is a high quality razor. There is a large B&R logo engraved on the top cap, but it's nowhere near as obvious than in the photos I've seen. The bottom of the base plate is inscribed with some sort of haiku - "Barbaros & Rocnel / Made in Turkey / Model Adjustable / 2016" - this could be inside the head for my taste..
There is a line on the bit of the handle that protrudes from the base plate and the number 1 to 8 on the top of the handle. I was slightly concerned when I assembled the razor after cleaning and the line overshot a bit and stop on the number 8. Not to worry, with a blade in the head it stops on 1.
Just like the Merkur Progress/Digress it matters which way round to put the top cap on the base cap. Put it on the wrong way and it the line stops around 4 when fully closed. Unlike on the Merkur there are no markings on the head of the Barabaros-Rocnel to tell you which way round to install the top cap. I'd love to see markings on the top of the base plate and the bottom of the top cap, not on the side of the head (like on the Merkur). Something nice, big and visible. A dot would do.
Talking about 'visible' - the line on the head and the numbers on the handle are tiny. There is no way I could see the setting of the razor without reading glasses - which I don't wear while shaving. Most adjustables have that issue. I plead for colour coding for the visually impaired or slightly older shavers like myself. Laser surgery is not an option.
It's now time for my first shave with the razor and I will report back later..
Day 1 - Shave #1 - Disaster strikes

I didn't write a shave report yesterday as I wanted a second opinion.
I used a new PolSilver blade (one of my favourites) and decided to start on a setting of 4.. Middle of the road I thought.
The razor immediately felt extremely aggressive. After the first pass and half a dozen nicks I decided to dial the razor down to 1 and finish on that setting. Much better, but still far to aggressive and harsh for my liking.
While I was clean shaven afterwards, my face was bleeding and sore. Not good. Thank goodness for Proraso Riparatore Gel. No plasters needed. Only later did I consider the possibility that the blade was to blame. Today's shave has confirmed this, so I have learned nothing about the razor from my first shave. This is the second time that the first blade in a pass around razor was dodgy.
Let's forget this shave and move on..
Day 2 - Photo shoot

I went for a walk this morning and took some pictures of the Barbaros-Rocnel at my favourite (because in easy walking distance) photo location - the Thames Barrier…

My second shave report will follow later…
Day 2 - Shave #2

After yesterday's disaster I wanted to make absolutely sure to use a good blade in the Barbaros&Rocnel. There was a once used Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge blade available. It gave me a great shave in the ↪pass around Fatboy. My memory of this classic adjustable is still very fresh and I love it. If you haven't tried one - there's hardly a waiting list to speak of.
My setup today is:
I'm still feeling quite timid after yesterday's shave, so I start on 1 this time. Right from the start this is a much better experience. Even so, there is quite enough blade feel for me on the lowest setting. The Fatboy on 1 is a useless shaver, on 5 it's just right and 9 is more than I'm willing to take. The Barbaros Rocnel seems to be quite efficient even on its lowest setting. I'll work my way up on the scale slowly. I took some pictures of the head (without a blade in it) this morning. The first image is on setting 1, the second is on 8.

Sorry for the quality of the second image, but I think you should see a clear difference. I'll try and take better images with a blade before I pass the razor on.
The blade tabs extend outside the head, but not fully. Some people don't like this, I personally do. Razors with the blade tabs exposed are usually easier to use in difficult spots like just under the nose as the corners of the blade are closer to the edge of the head. A minor point in my opinion.
I found the weight and balance of the razor not entirely to my liking… yet.. Maybe it's a matter of getting used to it. I wasn't bowled over by the weight of the Hone Type 15 when I first used it, but then learned to love it. Also, my last proper shave was with the Gillette Fatboy, a razor whose weight and balance I find superb.
You just have to look at the knurling of the handle to know that grip is not a problem with this razor. It wouldn't slip from your hand if covered in butter.
The Barbaros-Rocnel is given the four pass WTG/XTG/GTX/ATG routine, just like all pass around razors. Nothing unusual to report. A nice, very close shave. Alum block and ASL give a noticeable but not unpleasant sting. No cuts. Unlike yesterday I get away without the styptic gel and the soothing balm. Result.
It's too early to judge the longevity of the shave, but first indications are good. No sign of stubble after 4-5 hours.
Tomorrow I'll dial the razor up carefully (2, maybe 2.5) and report back.
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Day 3 - Shave #3 - Abort

Something is not right. I had another terrible shave with the razor today.
I put a fresh Astra Superior Platinum blade in it and set it to 2.5
The razor head looked OK on visual inspection. No unusual gaps I could see.
However, the razor was very aggressive right away. Again, a few nicks on the first WTG pass. In places where I have never nicked myself before.
I suspected another bad blade, so I popped the blade in the Merkur 45 and there was nothing wrong with it. I finished the shave with the Merkur without any further problems. So, in conclusion… there is either something wrong with the razor or it is just not for me.
I will have no further shaves with the razor.
I have discussed this with @theunnamed and we have decided that the razor will be sent to @dogsmro next, as he has the necessary tools to measure blade gaps properly.
So the list has change to:
  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
  • Dogsmro (ATG)
  • Rowlers (ATG)
  • Nishy (ATG)
  • Bechet (TSR)
  • Nico1970 (ATG)
The list is closed.
Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Waiting, Completed
Thank you for your part in this razors test and review....very intresting .
The razor is on its way to Dogsmro

  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
  • Dogsmro (ATG)
  • Rowlers (ATG)
  • Nishy (ATG)
  • Bechet (TSR)
  • Nico1970 (ATG)
The list is closed.
Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Waiting, Completed
A quick update.
All is well. @dogsmro has examined the razor and found the problem.
A screw needed adjusting half a turn. I didn't spot this.
You can read about it ↪here.
I'll have another go with the razor at the end of the pass around..

  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
  • Dogsmro (ATG)
  • Rowlers (ATG)
  • Nishy (ATG)
  • Bechet (TSR)
  • Nico1970 (ATG)
  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
The list is closed.
Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Waiting, Completed
Well that's a relief, I was quite concerned this razor was not going to be as good as I had imagend or it would be held up so much as to miss this year's release date. Well spotted @dogsmro, and we'll done.
As promised, I keep both forums updated about what goes on.
↪Another update from @dogsmro. All seems more than well.
Dogsmro is finished with the Barbaros-Rocnel.
His thoughts can be found ↪here and ↪here. I think he likes it
The razor is on its way to @rowlers
  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
  • Dogsmro (ATG)
  • Rowlers (ATG)
  • Nishy (ATG)
  • Bechet (TSR)
  • Nico1970 (ATG)
  • sɐǝɹpu∀ / riverrun (ATG/TSR)
The list is closed.
Legend: Currently with, On the way to, Waiting, Completed