Compare DE and cartridge smoothness

Compare DE and cartridge smoothess

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Now that was a good post. Made me consider some things in a different light, so thanks. If I understand you right, you think the voting was fixed, even though it was done with good intentions. Hah, skewed by Limey politeness and loyalty. I always forget about that polite quirk, being a Yanker and all.

Yeah, that sure helps clear up my confusion with the results.

Anyway, thanks for helping out.


I have mentioned adding a 'Chicago' option to the voting. Dead and banned members can vote too by proxy.

You have to allow for the human tendency to rationalisation.

This is our ability to create a rational explanation for something that we do not understand or is actually contrary to evidence.

One of the most striking examples is when a 'hero' figure (e.g. politician, film or music star) is shown to have behaved in some reprehensible manner. Many of the people who admire the person in question will rationalise away all evidence against their hero(ine) in order that they can continue to admire them and/or not have to admit to having admired a villain.

They will claim 'it's a mistake', 'it's biased reporting', 'people are jealous and make things up', 'they've got the wrong person', 'it's unimportant because they are a xxx, not a saint' - anything to avoid facing an unpleasant truth.

People invest a lot of time and money in DE/SE shaving and the last thing they want to admit is that, actually, a cartridge gives a better shave in less time and (assuming they don't waste money on Gillette's overpriced offerings) for a lower cost.

I know I felt rather let down when I discovered that a cartridge definitely did a better job for me - and I still use my DE once a week because I like shaving with it so much.

So I would guess that there are at least a few people who, in reality, get a better shave from a cartridge but deny the fact, even to themselves, because they simply prefer the whole experience of DE.
It's not about admitting it's a better shave; a good shave is more than just how close it is and ignore all other factors.
One factor being, as I said before, that the lift and cut method may seem close but leaves one susceptible to problems.

The fact that someone has read this thread and concluded "better than" illustrates precisely why many people may be reluctant to answer the specific question honestly.