Cold water shave

Quick question, I'm going to try cold water shaving to see how it suits me & also to see if I get a closer shave. My question is should I use a pre shave before? Normally I use Proraso & notice the difference when using warm or hit water. Should I use it with cold water?
Thanks guys, I'll use it tomorrow & see how it goes. I'm hoping that it will be as good as using hot water but without the tenderness when I'm trying for a BBS!
In brief - less (next to no) irritation, beneficial for skin long term, closer shave. In full - there's plethora of articles on the matter, quite easily discoverable
Just a shave in cold water for the first time & it was definitely refreshing! No problems with tackling a 2-day growth, felt exactly the same as with warm water, no tugging or pulling. The final result seems to be the same as you get with warm water, although I'm not sure about the less irritation, but that's more to do with me trying for a BBS again & just missing.

I still had a very good shave & enjoyed the experience. I particularly liked the fact that you can just get on with it after a couple of handfuls of cold water to alert your face. No problems with lathering either, although I was using Arko which will lather if you just look at it the wrong way.

All told, a lot to be recommended doing it this way. Less prep time, but no loss in the shave & also you still get the 'real experience' of traditional wet shaving. Think I'm a convert! :icon_razz:
Helveticum said:
So how is it going for you so far?

I know the question wasn't directed at me, but I did jump in and have been cold water shaving since middle of last week. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Quite a different experience but the end result did seem to be improved, so I have kept going with it. The "science" behind it does make sense - warmer = more flexible, colder = more rigid and hence easier to shave.

That said each their own, enjoy it all...


Helveticum said:
So how is it going for you so far?

I have to say that its been pretty good with little against it, except the nice feeling from using warm water. I did stray back and had a hot shave yesterday as I had been out on the garden for most of it and was cold. Well that's my excuse anyway.
I will continue but don't think I will do it exclusively!
I'm glad I already converted to cold water shaving as our boiler packed up this morning and it looks like I won't have any choice today! In any case, I really like it. It has cut down on prep time and the results for me are no different then when using warm water, except my face doesn't feel as hot and flushed when done. If I had a very cold bathroom I might feel different, but luckily it's nice and warm.
It's definitely got a place in my routine & I also like the cut down on prep time too. Doesn't seem to make any difference to my shave at all, bonus!

I like the idea of a warm water rinse, so I may put that into the routine on really cold days.