Coincidence or luck?

Ok so I am not a great lover of sharing my life on social media or with people! I like to be private as I have NO time for fools and wasters in Life!!! Friends I can count on x2 fingers and honesty, trust and straight talking are high on my list of standards!?! That said when I am interested in something that is new and intriguing to me I do like to hear/listen to other like minded individuals ideas and opinions if only to selfishly gain more knowledge on the subject!?! Hence my knew venture into SR shaving, which started on Christmas day 2021, having shaved x2 a week since Christmas and joining this forum yesterday, I had a shave this morning (still early days and very much still learning!), l only did a x2 pass shave and this was the second attempt at a x2 pass, but have to say today's shave was very impressive!?! A lot closer than any other shave I've managed with a SR and no nicks (have only managed about x3 nick free shaves out of about x8 now), and to think this will improve and get better with time is going to be something!!!
I'm of the opinion that long, careful but confident strokes are best with a straight. I know not everyone agrees but for me I think that the time you're going to nick yourself is when the edge touches down, so lots of tentative strokes seems to increase the likelihood or number of opportunities for it to go wrong. That's not to say I never do those buffing strokes, but certainly for the first wtg pass I like to slowly wipe the lather off with the blade for a comfortable couple of inches at least, before needing to reposition the stretching hand.
1st. Attempt at x3 pass today!?!.......All things considered, very impressive!.... Admittedly I took my time, but the end result was as good as I get with a DE razor!!! Oh and again NO blood! Yeeeeha
So now just need to take it as it comes and over time the speed/quickness will come!?!
I myself don't have short duration shaves as a goal when I'm using the straights. If time is of the essence I use my Tech, SR shaves are to be savoured and my focus is aimed at either less irritation or smoother finish, and it takes as long as it takes (but that's just me, YMMV and all that)
@hotmetal I totally agree about not rushing a shave and I too savour/enjoy the time I spend on my face, to the point it's bordering on perverted!?! When I was using my DE I always made sure I had plenty of time to enjoy my routine and always a x3 pass. Having shaved for 10 plus years with DE I was skilled in wielding the razor effortlessly so over a period this reduced the time spent with a razor in hand but NOT the enjoyment of the shave and facial fuss!?! This is how I see things progressing with the SR, becoming more efficient will reduce time only, not the experience and the fun.
Oh as an aside has anyone mentioned the BRAGGING RIGHTS that goes with using a STRAIGHT RAZOR!?!
We're a species of tool users. To get pleasure from learning & practicing a skill is in our genes.

Straight razor shaving often reminds of doing woodwork. Sharp tools you have to hone regularly. Concentration, skill & craftsmanship deployed in pursuit of a precision result. It's like doing woodwork on your face. What could possibly go wrong?

PS: I agree about longer, slower strokes. I do catch myself buffing from time to time but I try not to.
Woodwork on your face! Maybe I need a Chisel and Hound brush hahaha! It's a funny analogy but actually you're right McGruff. It's all about learning the ropes to strive for the precision result. Especially with straights, where the shaving part of it is pretty much the icing on the cake and you're responsible for the sharpness (even if you send it out for honing you've still got to strop it properly). And in the absence of noble metal/PTFE coatings, you're reliant on good prep and slick lather.
Mmmm carpentry and cake making, there's 2 skills I never thought I'd need to be able to shave with a SR!?!
But I suppose I can see where they would be useful in if I had an accident and removed an ear!?! I could sit quietly by the fire and fashion a new lobe from an old chair leg!?! Then with my cake making ability mix up some icing sugar and smooth out all the nicks and scars!!!
Oh yes, I see how it all comes together now!
This is how I see things progressing with the SR, becoming more efficient will reduce time only, not the experience and the fun.
I believe you will reduce time and increase the enjoyment as you won't be as scared to nick yourself. Your shaves will be more relaxed and enjoyable.

I'm of the opinion that long, careful but confident strokes are best with a straight.

I use long strokes and plenty of buffing too and I'd say with equal effectiveness.

I'd agree that more often than not I used to nick myself when placing the blade on the skin but with practice this seldom happens nowadays. If I nick myself nowadays, it's almost always in the same place cause I have a mole or two but I always try to maintain focus on what I'm doing at all times.