
I would say that coffee is more an obsession with me rather than an interest or a hobby.

I buy and roast my own green beans. Currently an Australian Basalt Blue bean roasted in my Behmor roaster.

The beans are then ground in my Mazzer Electronic grinder before being dispensed (18g) into a VST laser cut basket, tamped with a custom made (in Vancouver) Reg Barber 58.4mm C-Ripple Tamper.

Then the coffee is brewed (55ml in 25sec) in my ECM Mechanika IV espresso machine into per-warmed Le Crueset stoneware espresso cups.

To me ... the perfect cup of coffee.

Could buy a LOT of shaving kit for what that lot cost me! And I didn't even go into all the other coffee making kit I have (although a quick mention for the HandPresso hand-held espresso machine which travels with me!)

My friend is in Cyprus at the moment. Any brands of charge of coffee worth asking her to bring back for me. I only like black coffee and like it strong.


I would only bring back pre-ground Cyprus coffee. Any of the supermarkets will sell a decent one - look for the one the locals buy.

Also, Cyprus (Greek) coffee pots are as cheap as chips there and can be bought from most larger supermarkets or hardware shops.

Be extremely careful.

Coffee can quickly become like DE shaving.

I used to hate the stuff. Then one day I got a taste for Nescafe Gold Blend.

Now I have a whole cupboard full of different beans from around the world, a coffee grinder, an espresso machine with milk steamer, filters, little tiny mugs, mugs made of glass for lattes, the lot.

In the words of a DE shaver "It takes longer and can get expensive but it gives you a much better, more satisfying experience".

It works in the same way for Coffee :icon_sad: