
New Forest, England.
I've always looked upon my marriage as a coalition. My wife and I have fundamental differences in many things, we are two very different people. We met as teenagers and have happily resolved differences together for nearly 50 years.

Coalitions can work.
Coalitions DO work; most european countries work that way (and no, Italy is NOT a good example...). However, coalitions can be strained from the start due to awkward election results, personal likes/dislikes, or other. And towards the end of a term the individual parties' main concern usually shifts from government responsibility to next election results, which is one reason why coalitions more often than not fail towards the end of their term - that should, I think, be considered 'natural'...
The most important thing is the we need to allow it to work, what we don't need is the media saying its all very well this "love in, but....." as they did at times yesterday. As a nation we need to let it do its best without talking it down before it has even started. Lets have a have a Con-Dem-Nation without the condemnation!