Closing inactive members accounts

This may be a contentious subject. Its only a proposal, lets not have too heated a debate.
I don't know how many members we have. Some are active, some we'll never here from again.
Is there anything to be gained from closing down the accounts of inactive members other than to show a more accurate number of members?
E.g if someone hasn't posted anything for a perhaps a year and doesn't respond to our requests whether if he wants to keep his account open we'll then close his account.
I don't propose pouncing on members who haven't posted for a week.
If there is no benefit then this is a useless task and I'm talking rubbish which probably is the case like normal.
Since the site has only been going for a short time I would have thought it premature to consider this. Everyone is different. I remember a Councillor who attended countless meetings. He spoke about once a year. Everyone listened! We could have done with a few more like him.

I belong to several forums around the internet. Some I visit rarely. But I would be disappointed to be struck off.
Hi its really not much of a necesatiy me thinks.

Our astemed leader can get figures of active users etc..

I myself am a member of several forums one that I only post on every year or so..

Not a bad thought as I am guessing you enjoy site stats ie active users etc. I myself also have a nerdy interest in this kind of thing.
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