Closer/smoother shave with adjustables?

I'm like a DE junkie at the moment trying out new razors and I keep going back to my
adjustables. I like how I can 'fine tune' how aggressive the razor is and set it just so
I get as close a shave as possible without getting too close.

Even after trying out several different open comb razors over the last couple of weeks
I still can't beat the shave I get from the long-handled Progress. I get a smoother shave
in less passes from the open combs but not as close. My Futur is strangely the one
adjustable I rarely use as I find the angle too different and aggressive. It's in reserve
with the 39c slant on the offchance I wake up unshaven from a long-term coma and
need to remove several years of beard growth.

I see has some replated Slim Adjustables just in if anyone is looking.

If I could lay my hands on a nice open comb adjustable I'd be a happy chappy :lol:

Do you not think he is taking the p155? I re-read some of his stuff recently and I honestly think that is what he is doing. He seems to have a cult following who lap it all up. Mr Roberts seems to be knowledgeable about and interested in shaving, but I think he inwardly knows shaving is not the key to the universe, and is seeing how far he can go before anyone says, 'hang on Chuck, are you still being serious?'.

Either that or he really is bonkers................

No he's not quite L. Ron Hubbard he realised that the easiest way to make money is to set up a religion or create a new shaving method.

Cultish behaviour you say?

I think Charles Roberts like David Koresh is also from Texas.
I have a suggestion, get yourself a good face cloth, fill the sink with the hottest water you can stand soak the face cloth in the water and apply to your face, do this until your pours are well and truly open especially on you neck, I find this a great help, you will notice the difference ( My dad showed me this many moons ago)
Thanks, Jim. Bought a couple of face flannels on Saturday. Will have to try them soon, although I managed a no-burn shave this morning...finally!

All the best,


That's how I do it if I haven't showered. Works a treat! :shave