-CLOSED- Wet Shaving Products soap - Testers wanted

Sorry for the delay. I've been using this soap on and off since I got it. Every other shave. It lathers quickly and easily. I won't comment on the scent or lack thereof, as it's been done. I find this soap easily workable with each of my brushes, a silvertip without a discernable backbone, a two band high mountain of Fido's, a SOC boar and the Vulfix 404. I'm changing things about in the den and phasing out all hard soap in favour of creams, just for a change. But this sample that I squished into an Old Spice mug still gets an outing every other shave, that is until it's finished. I will be ordering more. I guess further back in this thread will have some details on where to order but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Today I noticed Al's post in the acquisition thread and realised I mustn't have written back to this thread myself. Sorry again for delay. Hope everyone's enjoyed theirs as much as I have. Hopefully there'll be a scent that takes my fancy, not at the expense of the performance.