-CLOSED- Wet Shaving Products soap - Testers wanted

Thanks Erik, I will stick to Mikes I think, it has to be my favourite scented shave soap... other than my own you must understand!
Finally, first shave today. Rocket HD, feather (second use), placed in 4" tin and covered in hot water. Middling wet, hot brush, attacked puck and quickly loaded. Quickly and easily lathered, lucked out with water/soap ratio.

The word I'd use to describe this soap is "balanced". It had good glide but wasn't snot like. It had good cushion but wasn't keeping the blade at bay either. All in all got a good shave and was impressed, albeit my first go.

With the right scents, this one could be on to something.
Had my second shave yesterday, not much to add beyond my first review above. Really great soap, if they get their act together on the scents they could really be on to something.
This must be the busiest 'Closed' thread in TSR!

Having tried the samples and been impressed, I decided to get some full-size soaps.

For reasons of my taste in scents, availability and carriage costs, I ended up buying eight sample-size packs in 'Fougere Noir' and 'Vetiver' flavours.

My big reservation with buying was that previously, I had found American artisanal soaps to be either over-scented or very artificial in scent. I'm pleased to say that this is not the case with this soap, the scents are pleasant and sufficiently subtle.

An all-round winner then and I accord a hearty vote of thanks to LB1 for introducing us to this soap!
Well I finally tried this soap today. Totally scent free lathered easy very good glide and cushion. Definitely a very good soap. I do like a scent with my lather so I'll probably use the rest for super lathers. Shame that the scented versions sound light on scent as I do prefer a stronger scented soap.
globalm said:
I bought the 'Fougere Noire' and 'Vetiver' scents. They are not at all lacking in scent although neither artificial nor overscented. They are, for example, about the same scent strength as Wickham's or Nanny's. Very pleasent to shave with!

If you don't mind me asking how much did the sample scent work out delivered to the UK?

I bought eight sample tins for £15.74 all inclusive. Three Fougere Noir and five Vetiver. This size of purchase was predicated on poor stock availability at the time of my order, high (but quite standard) postage costs and the desire to avoid VAT.

It was $12 for product and $15 for postage (sigh).

I estimated this as worthwhile - YMMV. The scents are good and the soap is now in regular use.

No regrets!!
Hello gentlemen,

sorry for the delay in replying to this thread - I was trying out Darron's new hardsoaps too

I have had 2 shaves now with this soap and a very fine soap it is too. Absolutely no scent whatsoever which is a real bonus when you have a dozen or more aftershaves to use. i squished the soap into a container that previously held some garam masala which had left a trace scent behind but not so much to get into the soap. I used a badger and a boar brush for the shaves and lathered from the container, straight onto the fizzog. lather was thick, creamy and stable. the 1st shave ended with a couple of minor nicks which were caused by a rhino razor blade on it's last legs. post shave there was no redness or dryness and overall i would compare the performance with the Cella soap i have been using this last month or so. skin felt good at the end of the shave.

I kindof get the feeling this is a tribute to mdc from the original link in the OP? i couldn't make any comment on that as i've not tried mdc but this is definitely a very good soap and would be worth a place in anybody's rotation. would i buy it? if it was well priced and available in the uk - yes. otherwise, we have a good selection of artisan soap makers that preclude the need to go to the trouble of international shipping/customs etc. the other scents that some of you guys have purchased may be the deal maker in that regard.

many thanks for the opportunity to try this soap to the makers and Lb1 for going to the trouble of obtaining this soap for our forum.
Good evening gents,

Tried my sample last night and was impressed. I mixed the soap with a little hot water in an empty container and left it for about 2 mins. I then used my Simpsons 'Phyl' and built up an impressive lather in no time at all. It covered well and wasn't too thin on the face, as I have found some soaps to be. I used my Hoffritz and the resulting shaving was very pleasing. I did find that I needed to add more lather half way through the shave as it seemed to need it. Not that it dried out mind you. Overall, I was impressed with its feel and lathering ability, with the right scent (preferably Vetiver) I would happily buy this soap.

afternoon guys.
Ok used the soap its a hard soap but not to hard. I used my sample in the shaving bowl and swirled my SOC Boar with the soap in the bowl swirled for about 30-1min and started adding water bit at a time once i removed my soap, got a real creamy lather where i live is soft water, and like others have said the scent really is scentless this would be perfect with people with sensitive noses such as myself or the sensitive skin. Once i took it to my face painting it on still smelling nothing from the soap i was thinking this is like a scentless tabac thats how easy the lathering was and how the lather felt to me, i did my usual 2 pass razor glided smooth across no tugging what so ever and i havent shaved in 4 days i found it made the hair cutting much easier didnt have to do any touch ups what so ever. My skin after it was nice and smooth didnt get any weepers from the soap at all. Wasnt the slickest soap iv used but had enough so the razor didnt tug but me personally i like alot of slick i didnt feel this when i rubbed my fingers together from the bowl but it had enough. My face after the shave feels smooth realy good feeling in the after care department. Would i buy it as scented probably but i also would buy it if i wanted a scentless in my opinion a good product and would reconmend.