-CLOSED- Wet Shaving Products soap - Testers wanted


The above are looking for testers to try out their new soap (see link here). Lee has very kindly offered to send over over a 4oz tin which I can pass around for anyone who may be interested in trying it as he is looking for feedback.

I will pony up the cost to get it over to the UK and anyone that is interested in trying it just put your name down on this this thread. Maximum of 7 people. 1/2 ounce sample is what he is giving out in the US. Therefore I think we can get 8 samples out of this which should give you a few shaves worth. I'll take my sample then post the remainder on. You then take yours and post the rest on and so on and so on until everyone has their sample. Only stipulations are:

You pay postage to whoever you send it to.
You write your findings on here to help him out.
Open to anyone with more than 50 posts.

Edit: there will be room for more than 7 as he is now sending more than one tin. I don't know how many at this stage but if you are interested just pop your name down and if there is enough to go around once it's here you'll be in. First come first served.

Once it's here I will let you know!


1. Cheesepiece - Received
2. Fox - Received
3. Exapno - Received
4. Newkie - Received
5. Globalm - Received and in possession
6. Mr Smartepants - Received
7. Nishy
8. AJC347
9. Fly3k
10. SPH
11. Flip-68
12. Smoose89
RE: Wet Shaving Products soap - Testers wanted

All added. Just to add Lee is now sending over more than one tin. I'm not sure of how many as it depends on how many he can fit in the envelope but that means there is room for more testers or failing that a bigger sample per person. I've edited the main post to reflect this.
RE: Wet Shaving Products soap - Testers wanted

Mr_Smartepants said:
Add me to the list please. And let Lee know he can use my CONUS mailing address to save postage coming to the UK.

Added. Thank you for the offer of your address Erik but I've already paid for the shipping to the UK

Nishy, also added.