Cleaning my Razors

Thanks guys esp Max
I tend to forget these are highly personal items having the most imtimate contact with my face.
Good stuff!

PS Isnt Brasso quite abrasive??
Just a few reminders:

Life expectancy of virii outside of the human body:

  • HIV = a few hours at most in ideal conditions, minutes in most. (unless in wet blood, i.e. needle, it can be a bit more.)
    HepA = Months, can survive, very resistant to outside elements.
    HepB = A week or more, depending conditions.
    HepC = Few days, to a week depending on conditions.
    Most of these are quite sensitive to proper disinfectants/detergents.
    So basicly, if you have a razor that you found and it hasn't been used for months, you're unlikely to contract any of the above.
    Although other germs can be nasty, and still give you a skin infection, so cleaning is not "optional"
