Chrome Oxide

Yes, I am interested to know whether regular use (prior to each shaving, for example 2-3 times per week) of chromium oxide would significantly shorten the lifespan of a razor ? I don't use Thiers Issard sharpening paste that often, maybe twice or once per month. Maybe I don't get consistent results out of stropping...I think stropping is the most troublesome part for me...razor honing is easy...for example after honing when I examined the edge I had impression the edge was perfect...none light reflection whatsoever...after stropping I often see some, very tiny, but none the less still visible light reflection on the very "top" of the either my technique is improper or too many laps...since I am kind of obsessive it's probably the latter
You know as a Newbie I have been reading the posts and getting advice from these posts. At the same time I have asked advice from the experienced members on this site. I have found people very helpful, including the very experienced members.
At what point do I think of myself as an experienced shaver, myself I would hazard a guess at around a year of DE shaving. If I was to include Straights and all that entails with ought a doubt at least a year at the very least. I would thought it courtesy to listen to the advise of experienced users with ought resorting to shouting and downright abuse.
If I am wrong I would be very surprised, even as a Newbie I know common courtesy is to be expected.
pedro083 said:
ok is this your natural level then, maybe I have worked it out now.

I think you mixed up your crox with the green crayon you use for writing,
I wouldn't bother rising to this troll, pedro.

It's quite clear he knows no more about the subject than when he got his first razor in August 2009, when he quite evidently formed the opinions he's been shouting about to all and sundry ever since. He probably can't believe his luck that he hasn't been given the heave ho yet - it only took him 9 posts to get chucked off SRP, which really is going it some even for that forum. A Google search produces some highly entertaining results from a whole welter of forums: "hyperborean straight razor" will do the trick.

Hyperborean: if you had pulled your neck in a bit earlier I would have kept that to myself, but tonight's little display shows you for what you are. I don't give a good god damn what you do with your razor - you're well on your way to ruining it. Now kindly go somewhere else, if there's anywhere left.

Are you reffering to me? Ok I have no problem with common courtesy as long as it is mutual. The common courtesy also means reading one persons previous posts (there are not many) before posting certain comments related to the matter or at least thinking before writting something right?

Oh, just beacuse as a "newbie" I don't "suck up your ass" means that "he knows no more about the subject than when he got his first razor in August 2009". Wow, is that the best you can to slander? Maybe you should go to the straighrazor place and join the rest of the sycophants,
I don't usually get my knickers in a twist, but I have had just about enough of this. Like Ian, for any further posts by this individual count me out (no great loss there, I know).

FWIW I have asked Boab to look at the thread and make a decision about it - he's got a good head on his shoulders and wahtever he decides is OK by me.


If I think it's quite logical why you want to ignore me. Personally I am strongly in favour of using diamond or/and other pastes because it's very efficient (much more than hones) and cheaper (a lot) way to maintain razor sharpness (once they have been properly honed) for a very long period and it can be done even by those who either can't learn to hone or don't have the patience to do it. You hone razors for a money. I can't make any strong assumption how much is your personal interest involved here, however use of pastes is not in the interest of those who hone others people razors for money.

Also I thought the purpose of such forums is to exchange various ideas on razor mainteinance, practices etc...not to dictate "how to" and "how not to" established by various straight razors "gurus"
Ok, let me set the record straight, yes Neil earns money on honing razors, it's his job, in the meantime if you read through some honing posts, you'll see that he's given a lot of advice on how to do it yourself...
ex: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=22&t=354</a><!-- l -->
He's not the only one with the same opinion, some of the others you chose to insult, hone their own, and it's common concensus, here, on SRP (you got banned there, sorry, maybe a hint?), and probably any other forum that discusses straight razors.

He also sell pastes and stuff like that, so if that really was they way to do it, he'd still be making money selling them.

Your point has no foundation, so please just go back under the bridge you came from.


p.s. I'm only replying because I'm at work, it's 1am and I'm very bored, this keeps me entertained & awake, so I must at least thank you for that.
Please don't flater yourself with this reply, it was the result of shear boredom and the obligation of staying awake. I even took the liberty of taking you off my ignore list just to see what shite you spout.

p.p.s. I really like elephants.