Christmas films

Have a confession to make(;-(... Last week watched "Holiday Inn" for the 1st time. Had alway thought that it was a Christmas Movie! Who knew??!!
It's Wonderful Life, James Stewart what a classic! The story has certainly given me hope at some low points in my life.

When I think of films and Christmas.

Wizard of Oz - 1939
Oliver Twist both versions
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Bed Knob & Broomsticks
Charley & the Chocolate Factory - (Scared the hell out of me as a child)
Don't ask me why but 'Goonies' makes me think Christmas film too

My best year for Christmas TV had to be back in the late 1980's when they showed all the Marx Brothers films, Jack Lemon films and to top it off Bing Crosby and Bob Hope films, one film a night, what a treat indeed.
Bad Santa for me. Has to be on Christmas Eve at about 9pm after early doors down the boozer and nice nibbles and homemade sausage rolls, all washed down with large "diesel and spooks"
Happy days!