Choosing the blade for you

I was wondering how you know which blade is for you? I'm new to DE shaving and so far have got the Astra and Personna blades and have tried one of each but cannot feel the difference between them. So if I were to buy some others such as the Derby, Shark, feather etc how will I know when I find my perfect blade?
Cheers all.
I'm sure many will suggest a sample pack available from a variety of vendors, and to take your time and go through the pack.

And as a fairly new convert myself, "you will know", when you find the ones that work for you.

Good luck and have fun....... Make sure there's a Voskhod in the mix
So it's just trial and error until you find the one then? I'll keep trying others then although I have to say the Astra did a great job.
Hi, that's really kind of you. I will Pm my details and I will do the same for someone else with the blades I don't get on with.
Another newbie here.
My view was to start with a single blade type and establish / improve shaving techniques (there's a whole bunch of variables in play) and then to look at different blades.
I started with Derby out of the sample pack I purchased with the razor from Shave Lounge, which wasn't the best choice... I've since opened the Astra SP pack (thanks for the mild nudge, folks) and notice a marked difference (less dragging, for instance, and more consistent experience). I'll stick with those until the pack is empty but I'm mindful that the change of blade may be a placebo as I start to learn and is most certainly not the panacea.
That's sound, Tom. Using the same kit for a goodly while let's you know what is down to kit and what is down to your technique. Once you are happy with your technique is a good time to start introducing variables. Any good blade will do - Astras, Gillette Greens - and any good soap, one you can lather well and easily.
Yep! You are right it's probably really easy to get caught up in all the spending on gear thing. Sort of cracking a walnut with a sledge hammer.
After I became relatively competent and consistent at shaving, I explored various blades until I had identified the half dozen or so sharpest ones that gave me a close, clean shave with three passes. Then I excluded the ones that were just too rough and dangerous for my skin. And finally I winnowed the collection down to just the smoothest, most comfortable ones. For me the blade cost is not a factor, and durability does not really matter since I use each blade for 5 days and then discard it.
I did a blind blade test a while ago and Astras came out on top for me, although Personna blues did not appear in the test and they're my favourite. The Astras are right up there though. Not the Stig's spreadsheet does match my own findings pretty closely.
I bought a sample pack from Connaught Shaving when I picked up my first and only DE razor, the Muhle R89. I got very excited about trying new blades every few days and at that time, while my technique was in it's infancy the Astra SP felt pretty forgiving and smooth. One year later it's still my favourite but everybody's skin and stubble is different , and different blades feel different in different razors so it may be a shocker for you. I've not tried another blade for a good few months but I'm reluctant to try something else when I get such a good shave from my beloved Astra, and as a bonus there's some dude that sells them on Amazon, one hundred for £6.13.
But now that you've posted this I'm going to go back to my 'shaving paraphernalia' drawer and have a go at some of those packs that only ever got used once.