Choosing a Scent.

The world is my Office
I was working in Hungerford the other day so lucky me got a chance to nip in to the Gentlemans shop to get a new Aftershave.
The thing is buying an aftershave from that place is like walking in to a pub in Scotland and trying to buying a malt whisky.
So I had no clear idea of what I wanted. The nice lady behind the counter gets out the blotting paper and I started working my way through them I must have sniffed the whole stock but now I have a clear idea of whats what.

Spanish leather was discribed as an old fashioned scent and there were alot of brands that smelt similar to this Eucris was more of the same all nice but quite feminine in style but not for me :|

Then there was Tailors of old Bond street No74 and limes I want to like them but every time I smell them it reminds me of the cheap perfum my grandmother used to buy down the market in the 70's :roll: and they all smelt so similar the exception was the St James which did make me think for a little while.

Last of all the Truefitt & Hill scents at last when they had a different name on the bottle the smell was different too a good start first I smelt the Graften nice but a bit too flowery for me, Next up 1805 this is the one where theres a vid on Youtube of a fit bird sniffing after shave and this was her favorite so it sells well. I liked it but still a little too floral though I might have a rethink at some stage and finally Trafalgar now as soon as I smelt it I new this is a more masculine scent good stuff so I got it and a bottle of the Truefitt & Hill preshave oil as well theres me saying I would not buy another pre shave product one sniff of a real fresh orange scent and I had to have it oh well.

This excercise has shown that if I had brought over the net from just looking at the bottles it could be very easy to end up buying alot of the same style scents. I have quite a good nose its a requirement of my job and I can detect the varations on the sents I smelt but these were very small. I think with all the choice of scents the perfume makers have access to there should be more varation of scents to set them apart from the competition but only one I have come across is doing that and that was Truefitt & Hill I suppose you get what you pay for it aint cheap but they do make some nice smelling stuff.
I agree, I have always thought the T&H West Indian Limes was superior to almost anyone else's of the same scent. The Trafalgar smells of old world money in my opinion, a scent that will never go out of style.