Ching Shih Bay Rum

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Four years ago, I brewed this (the darker one on the right):


Into a 200ml bottle went a tablespoon of Chinese Christmas Spiced Tea (a Chinese Congou, spiced with orange peel, lemon peel and cinnamon), 5 cloves and topped up to the shoulder with Lamb's Navy Rum, then 25 drops of Bay Rum essential oil and 10 drops of Cade essential oil. I love cade! This brew is dark and with the earthiness of the tea, but I wanted it to be really tarry ... so a few drops (equivalent of 5 if it was from a proper dropper) of Birch Tar. Topped up with witch hazel.

This was strained off after about 3 months and put into a slightly larger bottle (like the one on the left, an English Whisky bottle if memory serves), again topped up with witch hazel as it was seriously dark and tarry. I tried it after a year and it was okay ... three more years on and I'd completely forgotten about it, so fingers crossed.

Tonight's the night, fellows!

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